Linkedin Customer Care No.


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How To Cancel Linkedin Premium Subscription

  • Click on the :Me" icon at the top of your Linkedin homepage.
  • Select Access My Premium from the dropdown.
  • Click the Manage Premium account button on the right rail.
    • You'll be redirected to your Premium Subscription settings.
  • Under Manage subscription, click on Cancel subscription.
  • Follow the steps to complete the cancelation.

Social Sites


Unblock account

Kindly let me know how can I unblock my blocked account.
I want to get back all my LinkedIn connections.
Kindly help

Your account has been restricted

dear team
I am getting so irritate because of you people i do not know what is your duty .my account is closed since last 4 months but i haven't got my account yet.
how long have i been sending my international id do not believe that passport name and linkedin id name both are same but i don't know what you want from me you people are totally responsible which my time is being waste..just reply me fast what you want from me i will send you but give me my account ..
thank you
moti lal

My LinkedIn account is restricted. How can I re-activate it ?

My LinkedIn account has been restricted from today afternoon. I tried to resolve the issue. But still my account is restricted.
Please help me to re-activate it as lots of contact information are there.

Got charged in my LinkedIn account

My account got deduction on LinkedIn . please help me with the same

unable to reset and login to linkedin profile

i have linkedin profile which i have not used in a while, and i am trying to access the profile by reseting password but unable to reset the password, tried to call the customer care help line ,which is also not working.
request to kindly help me reset the password and login to my profile.


Cancelled my premium subscription

Plz Cancelled my premium subscription