Application for Financial Assistance under Auto Clean Scheme

Application for Financial Assistance under
Auto Clean Scheme

The Branch Manager
State Bank of India
Dear Sir,
I hereby apply for a total financial assistance of Rs. _________ (Rupees _____________
_______________________________________________) from your Bank for the
purpose of retrofitting new CNG / LPG Kits into my auto rickshaw as approved by RTO
authorities. The necessary details are as under:-
Name of the Applicant
Residential Address
Permanent Address
Educational Background
Saving Bank Account No. Bank Name
Auto Rickshaw Registration No.
Chassis No. & Make
Permit No. & Date of expiry
Driving License No. & Date of expiry
Details of Existing Loans on the vehicle, if
Limit Rs____
Outstanding Amt. Rs. _______
Name of the Financier
CNG / LPG Kit NO. & Make
Retrofitter name & Telephone No.
Proforma Invoice No. & Date
Proforma Invoice Amount
Repayment Period of proposed Loan
Photo of the
Security Proposed
(The loan will be secured by hypothecation
of vehicle duly fitted with new CNG/ LPG
kit or Group Guarantee)
Hypothecation of vehicle:
Group Guarnatee of :
Insurance Policy No., Amount & Date
Anticipated Monthly Earnings
Monthly Repayment Towards Existing Loan :
Towards Proposed Loan:
I hereby declare that
The particulars furnished above are to the best of my knowledge true and correct.
The Advance, if guaranteed will be utilized for the purpose for which it is granted.
I will not borrow money from any other bank or any other sources against the
vehicle hypothecated to you.
I undertake to include Bank’s Clause in the Insurance Policy and forward the
copy of the policy to tbe Bank.
Yours faithfully,
1. Proof of residential address of the borrower.
2. Proforma invoice for the equipment to be fitted.
3. Original RC Book
4. Copy of Driving License, Badge, Permit, tax Receipt, Insurance Policy, Fitness
5. Form NO. 29 and 30 duly signed.
For Bank Officials:
Particulars given above are verified
Hypothecations of Vehicle OR
Group Guarantors, if any, are as under
Sanctioned Term Loan of Rs. _____
(Rupees _______________________________________________ only) repayable in
_________ monthly installments of Rs. ______________________)
Field Officer Manager (DB) Branch Manager
Control by - 1) Assistant General Manager
(Region ____________)
2) Deputy General Manager
(Zone ______________)