(A Central University Estd. By the Act of Parliament No . 35 of 1989)
Application form for Re-evaluation of Answer script(s)
(Candidates should read the rules carefully before filling up the form)
1. Name of the applicant ………………………………………………………………………………………
(in Block Letter)
2. Registration No. ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Postal address ………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Particulars of Examination in which appeared
Name of Exams Year/
Semester Roll No Centre of
Category, i.e.
5. Subjects Paper(s) in which Re-evaluation is desired: Marks
6. Details of fees: Bank Draft or Challan No……………………………… Date ……………………
Amount ………………………………
7. Specimen handwriting: (Please write a few lines in the language in which answers have been written in answer-script)
I, ……………………………………………………………… Son/daughter of …………………………
…………………………………………… hereby declare that I have carefully gone through the rules and
regulations governing Re-evaluation and I undertake to abide by the same. The result of Re-evaluation shall be binding upon me.
Date ………………… Signature of the candidate
(To be signed by the Principal)
Certified that-
1. the application of the candidate is VERIFIED in accordance to the rules provided for re-evaluation,
2. the original mark-sheet of the candidate is enclosed.
Date: Seal Head of Department/Principal
1. Re-evaluation facility will be available to candidates who secure marks not less that 20% and not more than 60% provided the candidate applies for re-evaluation within 30 days from the date of declaration of result.
2. A candidate shall be eligible for re-evaluation only in two papers in a particular year of examinations,
provided that no such request be entertained for practical papers
3. Application for re-evaluation may be done in the prescribed form accompanied by a fee of Rs. 300/- per
paper (revised rate).
4. All requests for re-evaluation shall be accompanied by :
a. A crossed Bank-Draft/Indian Postal Order/N.U. Challan drawn in favour of Controller of Examinations,
N.U. for the amount prescribed above.
b. The original Mark-sheet issued by the University.
5. After screening the applications for re-evaluation, the Controller of Examinations may send the answerscript(
s) of the candidate to two examiners appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, other than the ones who
examined the script(s) earlier.
6. Average of the three marks awarded by the examiners (including the original examiner) shall be the marks awarded after re-evaluation.
7. The score after re-evaluation shall supersede the earlier score provided that a candidate who was declare pass initially shall not be declared unsuccessful as a result of re-evaluation and downward revision of marks shall be limited to pass level.
8. No retrospective benefit such as award of Gold Medal, Scholarship, Fellowship, admission, etc. shall accrue to a candidate as a result of re-evaluation.
9. Re-evaluation SHALL NOT BE A TIME- BOUND PROCESS but all effort will be made to ensure early
declaration of result.
10. If a score of the candidate after re-evaluation is higher by 20% or more compared to his/her original score, his/her fee shall be re-imbursed.
11. Result of re-evaluation paper(s) and other relevant documents shall be sent to the Principal of the College through whom the form is forwarded. Mark-sheet shall not be issued to student(s) directly from the University Office.
Controller of Examinations
Nagaland University