011-23233003, 011-23233004, 011-23233005, 011-23233006, 011-23233007, 011-23233008, 011-23233009,
011-23234568, 011-23232140, 011-23234630, 011-23234627,011-23234621, 011-23235683, 011-23231190, 011-23233646, 011-23232141
Contact No: 011-23237253, 011-23233001
Ext No.: 5701, 5702
Address: Ground Floor, Block D, G. B.
Pant Hospital, Entry from Gate No.6
Working Hours : Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm (Lunch 1.30pm-2pm)
Open Days: On Saturday 10am-2pm Closed on Sundays and on all gazetted holidays
S.No | Designation | Name | Contact/Ext No. |
1 | Medical Director | Dr. Anil Agarwal | 011-23238109, 011-23233001, Ext 5023 Fax: 011-23239442 |
2 | PS to Director | Mrs. Vandana Ahuja | 011-23238109, 011-23233001, Ext 5045 |
3 | Medical Superintendent | Dr. Alka Aggarwal | 011-23237254, 011-23233001, Ext 5075 Fax: 011-23221835 |
4 | PA to MS | Mr. R.K. Bharti | 011-23237254, 011-23233001, Ext 5049 |
5 | OPD I/c | Dr. Hukum Singh Meena | 011-23234242 Ext. 5016, 011-23237184 |
6 | PA to OPD I/c | Mr. Firoz | 011-23234242 Ext. 5068 |
7 | Nursing Superintendent | Mrs. Uma | 011-23233001, Ext 5036 |
8 | Chairperson C.A.S.H. (Committee Against Sexual Harassment) |
Dr. Puja Sakhuja | 011-23234242, Ext 5503 |
9 | System Analyst | Mr. Ashok Kumar | 011-23234242, Ext 5713 |
10 | DCA | Mr. Sanjay Sharma | 011-23234242, Ext 5022 |
11 | DDO | Mr. O. P. Verma | 011-23237267, 011-23233001, Ext 5098 |
12 | Administrative Officer-I | Mr. N. K. Sharma | 011-23233001, Ext 5035 |
13 | Administrative Officer-II | Mr. R. K. Meena | 011-23233001, Ext 5030 |
14 | Planning Officer | Mr. Mahender Kumar Arora | 011-23233001, Ext 5062 |
15 | Section Officer | Mr. Mahadev Gupta | 011-23233001, Ext 5044 |
16 | AAO | Mr. Sunil Jha | |
17 | Medical Record Officer | Mr. Mahender Kumar Arora | 011-23234242, Ext 5758 |
18 | Public Relation Officer -I | 011-23233014 Extn- 011-23233001, 5063 | |
19 | Public relation Officer -II | 011-23233014 Extn- 011-23233001, 5063 | |
Medical Officer | |||
20 | Dr. Dharmendra Gupta | Chief Medical Officer | 011-23234242 Ext. 5088 9718599013 |
21 | Dr. Hukum Singh Meena | Medical Officer | 011-23234242 Ext. 5084 9718599005 |
22 | Dr. Swagta Biswas | Medical Officer | 011-23234242 Ext. 5095 9718599014 |
23 | Dr. Chetan Ray | Medical Officer | 011-23234242 Ext. 5012 9718599016 |
24 | Dr. Rashmi Mishra | Medical Officer | 011-23234242 Ext. 5012 9718599006 |
Sr.No. | Department | Contact/Ext No. | Address |
1 | Anesthesiology | 011-23233001 extn-5622 | 6th Floor, Academic Block |
2 | Bio-Chemistry | 011-23233001 extn-5414 | 4th Floor, Academic Block |
3 | Cardio Thoracic Surgery | 011-23233001 extn-5115 | 1st Floor, Academic Block |
4 | Cardiology | 011-23233001 extn-5126 | 1st Floor, Academic Block |
5 | Gastro Enterology | 011-23233001 extn-5212 | 2nd Floor, Academic Block |
6 | Microbiology | 011-23233001 extn-5318 | 3rd Floor, Academic Block |
7 | Gastrointestinal Surgery | 011-23233001 extn-5224 | 2nd Floor, Academic Block |
8 | Neuro Surgery | 011-23233001 extn-5521 | 5th Floor, Academic Block |
9 | Neurology | 011-23233001 extn-5511 | 5th Floor, Academic Block |
10 | Pathology | 011-23233001 extn-5326 | 4th Floor, Academic Block |
11 | Psychiatry | 011-23233001 extn-5614 | 6th Floor, Academic Block |
12 | Radiology | 011-23233001 extn-5007 | Ground Floor, Block A |
13 | Administration | 011-23233001 extn-5029, extn-5051 | Ground Floor, Block A |
Contact No.: 011-23233001 Ext. 5129
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Telephone |
1 | Dr Saibal Mukhopadhyay | Professor & Head | 9718599103 | saibalmukhopadhyay [at] yahoo [dot] com |
2 | Dr Jamal Yusuf | Professor | 9718599104 | jamalyusuf72 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
3 | Dr Vimal Mehta | Professor | 9718599105 | drvimalmehta [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
4 | Dr Sumod Kurian | Professor | 9718599106 | sumodkn [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
5 | Dr Girish MP | Professor | 9718599107 | mpgirish_1999 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
6 | Dr Mohit Dayal Gupta | Professor | 9718599108 | dmohitgupta [at] yahoo [dot] com |
7 | Dr Arima Nigam | Asso. Professor | 9718599113 | arimachandan [at] yahoo [dot] com |
8 | Dr Sanjeev Kathuria | Asso. Professor | 9718599133 | sanjeevkath [at] hotmail [dot] com |
9 | Dr Safal | Asso. Professor | 9718592497 | safal [dot] 007 [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
10 | Dr Ankit Bansal | Asso. Professor | 9718599110 | ankitatg [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | Dr Vishal Batra | Asso. Professor | 9718599002 | drvishalbatra84 [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | Dr Subrat Kumar Muduli | Asso. Professor | 9718599048 | docsubratdelhite [at] gmail [dot] com |
13 | Dr. Ankur Gautam | Assis. Professor | 8800331587 | gautam171989 [at] gmail [dot] com |
14 | Dr. Rupesh Agrawal | Assis. Professor | 7588744553 | dragrawal2010 [at] gmail [dot] com |
15 | Dr. Ghazi Muheeb | Assis. Professor | 7715997193 | ghazi [dot] muheeb [at] gmail [dot] com |
16 | Dr. Sunil Kr. Mandal | Assis. Professor | 8084861737 | drsunilpmc07 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Delhi Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital,
1-Jwahar Lal Nehru Marg, Govind Ballabh
Pant Institute Of Postgraduate Medical Education
Research, (Formally Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital), New Delhi-110002