Dharamsala Bus Stand Enquiry No. 01892-224 903

All India Number(s): 
  • 01892-224 903 (Bus Stand Enquiry No.)
  • 941 8000 529 (HRTC Helpline No.)


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Booking Counter Contact No.

S/No. Location Contact Address
1 Dharamsala 01892-224903 H.R.T.C.
Advance Reservation Counter,
Bus Stand
2 Mecleodganj 01892-221750 H.R.T.C
Advance Reservation Counter
Bus Stand

Dharamsala Division Contacts

This Fax No. / EPBAX No. is same for all
Fax No. : 0177-2802717 / EPBAX : 0177-2658031 / 0177-2658032

S/No. Name Contact No. Bust stand Workshop Email Office Address
1 Divisional Manager 01892-226915 - - dmdslhrtc@gmail.com DO Dharamsala
2 Manager Technical 01893-226204 01893-226150 01893-226304 dwjsrhrtc@gmail.com DW Jassure
3 Regional Manager 01894-230576 01894-230250 01894-235283 roplphrtc@gmail.com Palampur
4 Regional Manager 01899-222250 01899-222210 01899-223430 rochbhrtc@gmail.com Chamba
5 Regional Manager 01892-222855 01892-224903 01892-222143 rodslhrtc@gmail.com Dharamsala
6 Regional Manager 0186-2220376 0186-2226966 0186-2220088 ropkthrtc@gmail.com Pathankot
7 Regional Manager 01894-263055 01894-263053 01894-262411 robjnhrtc@gmail.com Baijnath
8 Regional Manager 01892-250270 - - ronagrotahrtc@gmail.com Nagrota Bagwan

For Cancellation

  • If you have cancelled the ticket before 12 hours from the departure time. The 10% amount will be deducted from the total amount.
  • If you have cancelled the ticket within 12 before the departure 25% amount will get deducted
  • If you have submitted the ticket within 2 hours after the departure of bus 75% amount will get deducted and if you have submitted the ticket after the 2 hours from the time the bus get deparutred no refund will get provided.
  • For more information please read.

Head Office


Parent Article: 


Why the bus not stop

Bilaspur dipu bus arrived at 2:35pm in dhrmsala then dharmsala to bagli at 2:50 then at 3 it was arrived in kangra then suddenly bus service was stopped for a month but now it started again but the route bagli is changed now nd the arrival of the bus is too late now

please resolveand take action bus driver and bus conductor or also stop the bus.
i shall be thankful to you

Complaint against bus driver and contractor

the bus first started from bilaspur dipu and arrived at 2:35pm in dhrmsala then dharmsala to bagli at 2:50 then at 3 it was arrived in kangra then suddenly bus service was stopped for a month but now it started again but the route bagli is changed now nd the arrival of the bus is too late now
Kindly reply when anyone read this

Thank you

Complaint against bus driver and contractor

***Please take strictly action***

Earlier, the bus from Bilaspur Depot started at 2.35pm Dharamshala, 2.50 via Bagali, at 3 pm,
Kangra stopped, but one month the bus stopped, but the bus started coming, so now it is not just on Bagli road stop ,,, And comes late,