High Commission of India, Accra Contact Details

International Numbers: 
+233-307020903 / +233-307020904 / +233-307020905 (Contact Support)

Important Links

Important Details


+233-307020903 / 307020904 / 307020905


hc [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in (Office of High Commissioner)
cons [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in (Consular Wing)
com [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in (Commerce Wing)
info [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in (Information.and Cultural Wing)
pol [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in (Political Wing and Scholarships)
hoc [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in (Administration)



Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
All the High Commission's Wings are closed on Saturdays and
Sundays and on Public Holdiays of Government of India.

Consular Section:
Submission of Documents: 0900-1200 Hrs.
Collection of Documents: 1600-1700 Hrs.

Commercial Wing:0830-1700 Hrs.
Tel: +233-307020906

Information and Culture Wing: 0830-1700 Hrs.
Tel: +233-307020908

Political and Scholarship Wings :0830-1700 Hrs.
Tel: +233-307020912

Administration Wing : 0830-1700 Hrs.
Tel: +233-307020914

Officers Contacts

Name Designation E-mail
Mr. S.C. Ngaihte First Secretary
(Commerce and Consular)
com [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Col. Romi Singh Legha
Defence Adviser Residence
in HCI Abuja
Defence Adviser da [dot] abuja [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Mr. Vikram Singh Thakur
Second Secretary (Pol)
and Head of Chancery
hoc [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Mrs. Anupama Deoloal Second Secretary ( PIC
and Edu) and PPS to HC
hc [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Mr. Bhut Nath Haldar Attache (Consular) cons [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Mr. Asim Mandal Attache (Admin, Accounts
Property, Protocol and DDO)
admn [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Mr. Ashish Kumar Attache (PIC and Edu) info [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Mr. Brijesh Kumar JSA (Accounts) admn [dot] accra [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in


No. 9 Ridge Road,
Roman Ridge (near M-
Plaza Hotel), Accra

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