High Commission of India, Brunei Contact Details

International Numbers: 
+(673) 2339685/+(673) 2339751/+(673) 2339947 (Contact Support)

Important Link

Working Hours

  • Mon - Fri (9.00 hrs - 13.00 hrs and 13.30 hrs - 17.30 hrs)
  • Closed during Saturdays and Sundays.

Important Contact

Services Name Email
Consular Matter, Community Affairs, and Labour :
(Visa, Passport, Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs),
Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and other consular queries.and
for all consular related queries.)
Attache (Consular) cons [dot] brunei [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Economic and Commercial:
(For commercial / trade-related queries)
Mr. Ashok Kumar Yadav
Attache (Pol. & Com.)
com [dot] brunei [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
comsec [dot] brunei [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in

Consular Services

Consular Contact

  • Contact No.: (673) 2339947/(673)2339685 /(673)2339751

Consular Timing

  • Submission of Applications for all passport/consulate services : 09:30am and 12:30pm (on all working days except Fri)
    Friday : 9:30am to 12 noon
  • Collection of document: 9:30am-12:30pm and 4pm-5pm

Registration Form of Indian Nationals

Emergency Contact Number

  • Emergency Contact Number (WhatsApp also) (after office hours) : +673 7193064

High Commission Officials

S. No. Name Designation Telephone Nos. E-mail Address
1. H.E. Mr. Alok Amitabh Dimri High Commissioner  +673-2339619   hc [dot] brunei [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
2. Mr. Alok Verma Second Secretary
(Pol) & HOC
+673-2343703 hoc [dot] brunei [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
3. Mr. Pramod Kumar Second Secretary
+673-2339619 hc [dot] brunei [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in 
4. Col. Sanjeev Vijaykumar Sarma Defence Adviser
(based at HCI, Kuala Lumpur)
+60-3-40269696 da [dot] kl [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
5. Mr. Ashok Kumar Yadav Attache (Admn,Pol,Com,Cons)  +673-2339619  com [dot] brunei [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Mission's Reception Telephone Numbers +673-2339685 
Mission's Fax Number +673-2339783


The High Commission of India
"Baitussyifaa", Simpang 40-22,
Jalan Sungai Akar,
Bandar Seri Begawan,
BC 3915 Brunei Darussalam
Fax : + (673) 2339783
Email : cons [dot] brunei [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in

Social Sites