Kalyani University Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 033-2582 8750 (Contact Support)
  • 033-2582 8378 (Alternative Contact Support)
  • 033-2580 8694 (Query)
  • 84201 91333 (Admission Query, 10.30am-6.00pm, Mon to Fri except holiday))


  • kuhelpdesk [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in (For Support)
  • controllerofexaminationsku [at] gmail [dot] com (Examination)
  • admissionhelpdesk2022 [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in (Admission)
  • onlinekuhelpdesk [at] gmail [dot] com (Admission Query)
  • eoc [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in (Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC))
  • Kucl1961 [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in (Library)

Important Links

Contact Details

Designation Name Number Email
Vice Chancellor
1 Vice Chancellor Dr. Manas Kumar Sanyal - vckufeedback [at] gmail [dot] com
vc_kalyani [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
vcklyuniv [at] gmail [dot] com
2 Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor (Dr.) Goutam Paul - provckalyaniuniversity [at] gmail [dot] com
goutampaul [dot] ku [at] gmail [dot] com
gpaul [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Deans , Faculty Councils
3 The Dean Faculty
Of Science
Professor(Dr.) Keka Sarkar - keka [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in , 
dean_science [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
4 The Dean Faculty Of Arts
& Commerce
Professor (Dr.)
Amalendu Bhunia
- abhunia [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in , 
dean_artscommerce [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
5 The Dean Faculty
Of Engineering
Technology &
Professor(Dr.) Keka Sarkar - keka [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in , 
dean_etm [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
6 The Dean Faculty
Of Education
Professor (Dr.) Deb
Prasad Sikdar
- dpsedn [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in , 
dean_education [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Office of the Registrar
7 Registrar Prof (Dr) Debansu Ray 033-25828750
registrar [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in , 
registrarklyuniv [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Deputy Registrar Dr. Indrani Karar 033-25828750
9 Development Officer Dr. Bijay Kumar De 033-25828750
10 Assistant Registrar-I Dr. Susanta Sarkar 033-25828750
11 Assistant Registrar-II Mr. Iman Sengupta 033-25828750
Office of the Controller of Examinations
12 Controller of Examinations Dr. Bimalendu Biswas 033-25808364 -
Office of the Inspector of Colleges
13 Inspector of Colleges Dr. Subrata Ray 033-25808364 , 
Office of the Dean Students' Welfare
14 Dean Students' Welfare Dr. Rana Ghosh 033-2582-8617 dsw [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Office of the Medical Officer
15 Medical Officer Dr. Ishan Ghosh 033-25828750 , 
mo [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Officers Directory
16 Law Officer Mr. Satyam Baidya - satyamwbls22 [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
17 Assistant Registrar-II Mr. Iman Sengupta 033-25828750
18 Assistant Registrar-I (Offg.) Dr. Susanta Sarkar 033-25828750
19 Development Officer Dr. Bijay Kumar De 033-25828750
do [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
20 Deputy Registrar Dr. Indrani Karar 033-25828750
deputyregistrar [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
21 Registrar Prof (Dr) Debansu Ray 033-25828750
registrar [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
22 Audit & Account Officer Mr. Anjan Kumar Das - aao [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
23 Finance Officer Mr. Mridul Kundu Ext 204 -
24 Deputy Controller of
Mr. Subhas Chakrabarti 7001545815 dycoe [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
25 Controller of Examinations Dr. Bimalendu Biswas 033-25808364 -
26 Inspector of Colleges Dr. Subrata Ray 033-25808364
27 Dean Students' Welfare Dr. Rana Ghosh 033-25828617
Ext 224
dsw [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
28 Assistant Librarian Dr. Dipa Roy - dipaal [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
29 Medical Officer Dr. Ishan Ghosh 033-25828750
Ext. 268
mo [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
30 Assistant Engineer
Mrs. Sanhita Roy Acharya - ae [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
31 Programmer Mr. Dipansu Mondal Ext 336 programmer [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
32 System-in-Charge Dr. Ujjal Marjit 033-25808694 sic [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Scientific Officers
33 Senior Scientific Officer Dr. Nabin Ghoshal 9433814708 nabin_ghoshal [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
34 Dr. Sanjoy Das 9433873391 sanjoydas [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
35 Dr. Sushanta Biswas 9434451168 biswassu [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
36 Dr. Partha Pratim Sarkar 9433164063 ppsarkar [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in

Telephone Directory

  • EPABX : 033-25828220, 033-25828293, 033-25828750, 033-25828378, 033-25828286,
    033-25828275, 033-25828478, 033-25828889, 033-25821254

Other Offices Contacts

Other Offices Extn. Direct No.
1 Accession Sec. (Library) 264
2 Accounts Section 207
3 Adjustment Section 209
4 Admission section 251
5 Assistant Engineer 234
6 Assistant Librarian 263
7 Asistant Medical Officer 269
8 Asistant Registrar-I 218
9 Audit anf Accts. Officer 206
10 Accounts Officer 244
11 Asstt. Controller of Exams 408
12 Bill Section (Salary) 226
13 Budget Section 202
14 Canteen 248
15 Caretaker 337
16 Cash section 205
17 Central Stores (Reg.Deptt) 252
18 Controller's Office (1st floor) 239
19 Controller's Office(1st floor) 230
20 Controller's Office(2nd floor) 221
21 Controller's Office(2nd floor) 326
22 Controller's Office(2nd floor) 327
23 Controller of Examinations 237 033-25808364
24 Cooperative(Employees) 250
25 CIRM Office 223
26 D.S.W. Office 219
27 Dean, Faculty of Eng Tech& Mgmt. 346
28 Dean, Faculty of Science 222
29 Dean, Faculty of Arts & Comm. 322
30 Dean, Faculty of Education 345
31 Dean, Students Welfare 224 033-25828617
32 Dy. Controller of Exmas 227
33 Deputy Librarian 262
34 Deputy Register 236
35 Development Officer 254
36 Dean, Arts and Commerce 322
37 Establishment (N/T) 240
38 Establishment (General) 214
39 Establishment (Leave) 215
40 Establishment (Recruitment) 231
41 Engineer's Office 343
42 Faculty officer 229
43 Faculty Council Secretary-PG 228
44 Faculty Council Secretary-UG 233
45 Finance Officer 204 033-25808467
46 Finance Section 210
47 Forms/Coupons/Hostel Unit 203
48 Govt. Audit 208
49 Guest House 265
50 Inspector of College 258 033-25808468
51 Office of the Inspector of College 324
52 Gymnasium 270
53 Inspector of Colleges Office 324
54 Income Tax Section 255
55 Medical Officer 268
56 Meeting Section 242
57 Migration Section 253
58 P.H.D Section 235
59 Provident Fund Section 212
60 Programmer 336
61 Registrar 245
62 Registrar Personal Section (RPS) 241
63 Receipt and Despatch Section 323
64 Rural Development & Mngt. 266
65 Research Scholar Asso. 259
66 Secretary to V.C. 243
67 Security Inspector 246
68 System-in-Charge 333
69 Staff Recreation Club 249
70 Student's Cooperative 234
71 Student's union 247
72 U.G.C Section 213
73 University Engineer 217
74 University press 261
75 University Gate-III(Watch &Word) 340
76 Vice-Chancellor 201
77 Vice-Chancellor's Office 321
78 Works (Civil) 220
79 Works (Electrical) and Transport 216
80 Works Office 325

Academic Departments Contacts

Academic Departments Extn. Direct No.
1 Adult Education Center 275
2 Bengali 278
3 Bengali 349
4 BioChemistry and
BioPhysics (Head)
5 BioChemistry and
BioPhysics (Office)
6 Botany (1st Floor) 319
7 Botany (2nd Floor) 320
8 Botany (Office Room) 318
9 Botany (Head) 317
10 Business Administration 342 033-27075044
11 Chemistry (1st Floor, Anall) 308
12 Chemistry (Office) 309
13 Chemistry (Head) 305
14 Chemistry (Inorganic) 307
15 Chemistry (Organic) 306
16 Chemistry 341
17 Commerce (Head) 286
18 Commerce (Office) 287
19 Computer Science (Head) 303
20 Computer Science (Office) 304
21 Environmental Sc. (Head) 291
22 Environmental Sc.(Office) 292
23 Economics (Computer Lab) 290
24 Economics (Head) 288
25 Economics (Office) 289
26 English (Head) 276
27 English (Teachers Room) 277
28 Folklore (Head) 271
29 Folklore (Office) 272
30 Folklore (Gr. Floor) 348
31 Finishing School
(Dept. Comp. Sc&Engg.)
32 Geography(Head) 329
33 History (Head) 281
34 History (Office) 282
35 Library and Info Science 283
36 Mathematics (Head) 310
37 Mathematics (Office) 311
38 Mathematics (Teacher's Room) 312
39 Microbiology 332
40 Modern language(Head) 274
41 Molecular Bio. & Biotechnology 244
42 Physical Education(Head) 232
43 Physical Education 273
44 Physical Education
45 Physics (Office) 300
46 Physics (Comp.Room) 302
47 Physics (Head) 299
48 Physics (Solid State lab) 301
49 Political Sc. (Head) 284
50 Pol. Science (Office) 285
51 Physiology 335
52 Sociology (Head) 279
53 Sociology (Off)/Teacher 280
54 Statistics (Head) 295
55 Statistics (Office) 296
56 USIC (1st floor) 297
57 USIC (PSO) 298
58 Zoology (Office) 314
59 Zoology (1st Floor) 313
60 Zoology (2nd Floor) 316
61 Zoology (Head) 315
62 Dept of Life Long
Learning & Extension
63 B.T.College   033-25828348
64 Central Library   033-25820311
65 Chemistry   033-25823883
66 Controller of Examinations 237 033-25808364
67 Dean Students Welfare 224 033-25828617
68 Finance Officer   033-25808467
69 Dept. of Rural Development   033-25829810
70 Inspector of Colleges   033-25808468
71 CIRM 223 033-25808694
72 Dept. of Business
73 Microbiology Deptt.   033-25809212
74 Physics   033-25820184
75 Placement Officer   033-25827652
76 Registrar (Fax)   033-25822505
77 Coaching Centre
78 Registrar (O) 241 033-25025762
79 USIC   033-25823457

Hostels Contacts

Hostels Direct No.
1 Research Scholars' (M) 033-25823293
2 Research Scholars' (W) 033-25823292
3 Women HallI 033-25828288
4 Women HallII 033-25823451
5 P.G. HallI 033-25823284
6 P.G. HallII 033-25823294
7 P.G. HallIII 033-25823283
8 Banyan Hall 033-25823282
9 B.T. Men's Hall 033-25823305

Directory Of Faculty Members

Name Number Email
Biochemistry & Biophysics
1 Prof. Sajal Chakraborti - s_chakraborti [at] hotmail [dot] com
2 Prof.Tarak das Basu 9433501504 tarakdb [at] yahoo [dot] com
3 Prof.Tapan Kumar Das 9475944385 tapandas [at] hotmail [dot] com
4 Prof.Rita Ghosh 9830489255 rghosh_bcbp [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Prof.Tapati Chakraborti 9239403709 t_chakraborti [at] hotmail [dot] com
6 Dr.Alpana Seal 9830795655 alpana_seal [at] yahoo [dot] com
7 Dr.Rakhi Dasgupta 9830882559 rdgadg [at] yahoo [dot] com
8 Dr.Angshuman Bagchi 9051948843 angshumanb [at] gmail [dot] com
9 Dr.Utpal Ghosh 9432261574 utpal8ghosh [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
10 Dr.Jishu Naskar 9830705438 jishunaskar [at] gmail [dot] com
11 Dr.Partha Deb Ghosh 9263599264 pdggene [at] rediffmail [dot] com
12 Prof.Sujata Chaudhuri 9339797481 sujata_chaudhuri [at] yahoo [dot] com
13 Prof.Sobhan Kr Mukherjee 9432224984 sobhankr [at] yahoo [dot] com
14 Prof.Chandan Sengupta 9830132758 chandansenguptaku [at] gmail [dot] com
15 Dr.Zahid Hossain 8967901534 Zahed_kly [at] yahoo [dot] com
16 Prof.Animesh K Dutta 9831483747 dattaanimesh [at] gmail [dot] com
17 Prof.Sankar Narayan Sinha 8481011757 sinhasin62 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
18 Dr.Sudipta Roy 9434666930 dr [dot] sudiptaroy [at] gmail [dot] com
19 Dr.Malay K Adak 9432418218 mkadak [at] rediffmail [dot] com
20 Dr.Sudha Gupta 9831009498 sudha_guptain [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
21 Dr.Bijoy Sekhar Datta 9051232501 dattabejoysekhar [at] yahoo [dot] com
22 Dr.Neera Sen Sarkar 9830545889 neerashen [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
23 Dr.Kakali Sen 9749683024 itskakali [at] gmail [dot] com
24 Dr.S.P.Das 9831136264 sakti03 [at] yahoo [dot] com
25 Dr.D.Chatterjee bbchat2001 [at] gmail [dot] com
26 Prof.Mitali Sarkar 9339001428 mitali_ku [at] yahoo [dot] com
27 Prof.Surojit Chattopadhyay 9831141198 scha8 [at] rediffmail [dot] com

Prof.Sital Kr.


9433183744 skchatto [at] yahoo [dot] com
29 Prof Nilasis Nandi 9433056943 nilashisnandi [at] yahoo [dot] com
30 Prof.A.P.Chattopadhyay 9836156800 asoke [dot] chattopadhyay [at] gmail [dot] com
31 Prof.Brindaban Roy 9831096712 broybs [at] rediffmail [dot] com
32 Prof.Swati De Das 9831244131 swati_de1 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
33 Prof.Kumaresh Ghosh 9433249424 ghosh_k2003 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
34 Prof.Sk Manirul Islam 9231572967 manir65 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
35 Dr.Nitis C Saha 9830453657 nitis [dot] saha [at] gmail [dot] com
36 Dr.Subhas Ch.Debnath 9434119665 debnathsubhas [at] yahoo [dot] com
37 Dr.Manoranjan Jana 9433841213 janachem12 [at] gmail [dot] com
38 Dr.Manindranath Bera 9163829881 manindra05 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
39 Dr.Swarup Kr
7278404475 chattopa [at] gmail [dot] com
40 Dr.Tapas Majumder 9007098001 tapasmju [at] gmail [dot] com
41 Shri.Kalachand Mahali 9434326192 gourkala [at] gmail [dot] com
Environmental Science
42 Prof.Subhas Chandra Santra 9433215100 scsantra [at] yahoo [dot] com
43 Prof.Debasis Das 9874222933 ddas_kly [at] rediffmail [dot] com
44 Prof.Rina Bhattacharya 9433421830 rinaenv [at] yahoo [dot] com
45 Dr.Soma Mukherjee 9330001170 sojmmukh445 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
46 Dr.Sahuna Khatun 9609549395 sahin [dot] geo [at] gmail [dot] com
47 Dr.Traun Kumar Mondal 9434551238 mondaltarunkly [at] gmail [dot] com
48 Dr.Abhay Sankar Sahu 9933182977 sahu [dot] abhaysankar [at] gmail [dot] com
49 Prof.Indrajit lahiri 9433466170 ilahiri [at] hotmail [dot] com
50 Prof.Samares Pal 9433015210 samaresp [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
51 Prof.Sanjib Kumar Dutta 9593403873 sanjib_kr_datta [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
52 Dr.Dibyendu De 9434852146 dibyendude [at] gmail [dot] com
53 Dr.Animesh Biswas 9433135508 abiswaskln [at] rediffmail [dot] com
54 Prof.Abhijit Banerjee 9432060523 abanerjee_kal [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
55 Dr.Samten Tamang 9002565195 samtentamang [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
56 Dr.Pulak Sahoo 9432919372 sahoopulak [at] yahoo [dot] com
57 Dr.Abhijit Sarkar 9932220737 avjaj [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
58 Dr.Sahidul Islam 9433122823 sahidul [dot] math [at] gmail [dot] com
59 Prof.Samir Kumar
9433136617 dr [dot] samirmukherjee [at] gmail [dot] com
60 Dr.Keka Sarkar 8334936391 drkekasarkar [at] yahoo [dot] com
61 Dr.Ekramul Islam 8902261685 ekramul [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
62 Dr.Tapas K Bandopadhyay 9433164044 bantapas [at] hotmail [dot] com
63 Dr.Utpal Basu 9432322702 utpal [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
64 Dr.Tanima Saha 9830186877 sahatanima [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
65 Dr.Swagata Ghosh 9748450772
66 Prof.Amitava Sinha 9330951068 asinha333 [at] gmail [dot] com
67 Prof.Bijan Modak 9477234828 bijanmodak [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
68 Prof.Arunava Chakraborti 9432233327 arunava_chakraborti [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
69 Dr.Arabinda Karmakar 9474814561
70 Prof.Nanda Kr Ghosh 9433230306 nanda [dot] ku [at] gmail [dot] com
71 Dr.Yatramohan Jana 9830997571 yatramohan [at] yahoo [dot] com
72 Dr.Tapas Pal Majumdar 9432358393 tpm [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
73 Dr.Sudipta Pal 9477376441 sudipta [dot] pal [at] rediffmail [dot] com
74 Dr.Debasis Mitra 9674335531 debasis [dot] mitra51 [at] gmail [dot] com
75 Dr.Subhratanu Bhattacharya 9474679918 subhratanu_b [at] yahoo [dot] com
76 Dr.Jyoti Prasad Saha 9732266070 jyotiprasadsaha [at] gmail [dot] com
77 Prof.Goutam Paul 9433266873 gpaul [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
78 Dr.Subhashis Sahu 9831316573 skcsahu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
79 Dr.Lakshmishri Lahiry 9432361329 lakshmishrilahiry [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
80 Prof.R.N.Panda 033-25824647 rnpanda [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
81 Prof.N.K.Chandra 9433565166 nimai_chandra2002 [at] yahoo [dot] com
82 Prof.Chandranath Pal 9339457668 cpal07 [at] gmail [dot] com
83 Dr.D.Bandyopadhyay debdas [dot] banerjee [at] gmail [dot] com
84 Dr.Sisir Kr.Samanta 9433657931 sisirk [dot] samanta [at] yahoo [dot] com
85 M.Deekshithulu 9433465900 dickie56 [at] gmail [dot] com
86 Prof.Dilip Mukherjee 9836627201 dilipmukher [at] rediffmail [dot] com
87 Prof.Anilava Kaviraj 9830443689 akaviraj [at] gmail [dot] com
88 Prof.Probir Kr
9433214527 prabir0432 [at] hotmail [dot] com
89 Prof.Debjani Nath 9433384571 nath_debjani [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
90 Prof.Ashis Kumar Panigrahi 9433351393 panigrahi [dot] ashis [at] gmail [dot] com
91 Dr.Kakali bhadra 9831844588 kakali_bhadra2004 [at] yahoo [dot] com
92 Dr. Kausik Mondal 9434510521 kausik [dot] mondal2007 [at] gmail [dot] com
93 Dr.Subhankar Kr Sarkar 9674445307 rishi [dot] subho [at] gmail [dot] com
94 Dr. Laishram
Pradeep Kr Singh
9804192931 laishrampk [at] gmail [dot] com
95 Dr.Arunima Biswas 8981093528 arunima10 [at] gmail [dot] com
96 Dr. Satanjib Raha satanjibraha [at] gmail [dot] com
97 Prof. Tapas Basu 9433603892 tapasbasusarada [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
98 Prof. Sabitri Nanda
9433534550 snchak [dot] 2013 [at] gmail [dot] com
99 Prof. Sukhen Biswas 9433128480 dr [dot] sbiswas01 [at] gmail [dot] com
100 Dr. Prabir Pramanick 9433118126 pramanick [dot] p1974 [at] yahoo [dot] com
101 Dr. Nandini Banerjee 9434222843 nbanerjeedey [at] gmail [dot] com
102 Dr. Tushar Patua 9474667582 patua [dot] tushar [at] gmail [dot] com
103 Prof. Subhas Chandra
9477511754 subhasch2004 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
104 Prof.Sunil Kumar Gandhi 9433437147 sunilgandhi_ku [at] rediffmail [dot] com
105 Prof. Subhamoy Das 9433225769 subhamoyd [at] gmail [dot] com
106 Dr. Debansu Das 9433867500 debansudas_ku [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
107 Dr. Pradip Kumar Samanta 9433304257 psamanta06 [at] gmail [dot] com
108 Prof. Amalendu Bhunia 9432953985 bhunia [dot] amalendu [at] gmail [dot] com
109 Dr. Biswambhar Mandal 9434206412 biswambhar [dot] mandal [at] gmail [dot] com
110 Dr. Atreye Pal 9830530684 atreyee82eco [at] gmail [dot] com
111 Prof. Sutanu Bhattacharyya 9433064877 sutnbh [at] gmail [dot] com
112 Prof. Byasdeb Dasgupta 9433031486 byasdeb [at] gmail [dot] com
113 Dr. Archita Ghosh 9433449496 archita [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
114 Sri. Supriyo Bhattacharyya 033-25650102 supriyo55 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
115 Dr. Nitish Dutta dutta_nitish [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
116 Dr. Arundhati Datta 9831623799 a1datta [at] rediffmail [dot] com
117 Sri. Jaganmoy Basu 9474609926 jb1_ku [at] yahoo [dot] com
118 Smt. Bishakha Ghosh 9433808919 ghosh_bishakha [at] yahoo [dot] com
119 Dr. Prasenjit Sarkhel 9836239361 prasenjitsarkhel [at] gmail [dot] com
120 Prof.Ashok Sengupta 9830115703 ashoksengupta07 [at] gmail [dot] com
121 Prof.Sarbani Chaudhury 9432849971 sarbanich [at] gmail [dot] com
122 Smt. Sharmila Majumder 9830013275 sharmila_majumder [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
123 Prof.Niladri Ranjan
9830248750 niladri [at] rocketmail [dot] com
124 Dr. Sandip Mondal 9433271830 sandywavefox [at] dgmail [dot] com
125 Sri Sagar Taranga Mondal 9830788964 tarangasagar [at] gmail [dot] com
126 Dr.Dhrubajyoti Sarkar 9007389776
127 Dr. Baisali Hui 9434661037 baisalihui [at] gmail [dot] com
128 Dr. Kuntal Bag 9874360308 Kuntal [dot] bag [at] gmail [dot] com
129 Dr.Ishita Roy 9804786150 iroyfriendship [at] gmail [dot] com
130 Dr.Kakali Dhara Mandal 9433359905 kakali-folklore-kalyani [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
131 Dr.Sujay Kr Mandal 9433841144 sujay331 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
132 Prof.Tapan Kr Biswas 9735619091
133 Dr.Ashimananda
9477077094 ahimananda [dot] gangopadhyay [at] rediffmail [dot] com
134 Dr.Debalina Debnath 9432328607 ddebnathku [at] gmail [dot] com
135 Sri Soumitra Kumar Sinha 9433025126
136 Dr.Sabyasachi Chatterjee 9433353349 sabya4 [at] gmail [dot] com
137 Sri Alok Kumar Ghosh 9830552304 alokghosh201 [at] gmail [dot] com
138 Dr. Malsawmdawag Baia 08961389145 malasawmaklny [at] gmail [dot] com
139 Dr.Sutapa Sengupta 9433295807 sutapasengupta197 [at] gmail [dot] com
Library and Information Science
140 Prof.Juran Krishna Sarkhel 9433175705 jksarkhel [at] hotmail [dot] com
141 Shri Sabuj Dasgupta 9433618531 sabujdasgupta [at] gmail [dot] com
142 Dr.Parthasarathi
9434416674 psmukhopadhyay [at] gmail [dot] com
143 Dr.Sibsankar Jana 9433886928 sibs_jana [at] yahoo [dot] com
Modern language
144 Smt Minakshi Sarkar 9748170078
Political Science
145 Prof.Sumit Mukherji 9831441665 sumitmou [at] gmail [dot] com
146 Prof.Prabir Kr De 9433722556 dr [dot] prabir_dey [at] rediffmail [dot] com
147 Smt.Malyashri Mukherjee 9830167441 malyasree11 [at] gmail [dot] com
148 Sri Anindya Batabyal 033-24644056 anindyabatabyal [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
149 Dr.Shiladitya Chakraborty 9830092925 shiladitya_chak [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
150 Dr.Md.Ayub Mallik 9933301302 ayubbdn2008 [at] gmail [dot] com
151 Sri Pratip Chattapadhyay 9836397402 chatterjee23_pratip [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
152 Smt.Nivedita Saha 9830268899 nivedita [dot] saha74 [at] gmail [dot] com
153 Prof.Samita Manna 9433915185 samita [dot] manna [at] gmail [dot] com
154 Prof.Asish Mukhopadhyay 9830687427 asishmukhopadhyay [at] rediffmail [dot] com
155 Ms. Priyam Sarkar 9735619352 priyamsarkar [dot] 1 [at] gmail [dot] com
156 Prof.Partha Sarathi De 9432959524 partha_de2006 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
157 Dr.Kuheli Biswas 9432855941 partha_de2006 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
158 Shri Anindya
- 100kuhelibiswas [at] gmail [dot] com
Lifelong Learning & Extension
159 Prof.Prasenjit Deb 9434240349 drprasenjitdeb [at] gmail [dot] com
160 Dr. Niladry Biswas 9433342286 biswasniladri [at] rediffmail [dot] com
161 Prof.Subhalakshmi Nandi 9830443235 snofc [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
162 Dr.Shreekant Gour 9433141940 shreekantgour [dot] 19 [at] gmail [dot] com
163 Prof.Jayanta Kr Mete 9433476662 jayanta_135 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
164 Prof.Deb Prasad Sikdar 9331891747 dps_kalyaniuniversity [at] yahoo [dot] com
165 Prof.Dibyendu
9051463132 db [dot] ku [at] rediffmail [dot] com
166 Dr.Debjani Guha 9433072998 dgknedu [at] rediffmail [dot] com
167 Dr.Bijan Sarkar 9830329618 sarkar_bijan [at] yahoo [dot] com
168 Sri Tarini Halder 9874287155
169 Dr.Arjun Chandra Das 9432878658 acdas2012 [at] gmail [dot] com
170 Dr.Santinath Sarkar 9432994231 sarkarsantinath [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
171 Dr.Amalandu Paul 9474682587 palamalendu [at] gmail [dot] com
Physical Education
172 Prof.Krishna Banerjee
9433565202 krishna [dot] banerjee [at] gmail [dot] com
173 Prof.Kanchan
9002350997 k [dot] bandyopadhyay [at] rediffmail [dot] com
174 Prof.Sanjib Mridha 9339876978 sanjib_mridha [at] rediffmail [dot] com
175 Dr.Madhab Chandra Ghosh 9433828586 madhabg573 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
176 Dr.Nita Bondopadhyay 9474365375 nitaba [at] yahoo [dot] com
177 Dr.Saikot Chatterjee 9748090408 saikotchatterjee [at] gmail [dot] com
178 Dr.Susanta Sarkar 9433762680 sankar [dot] sankar246 [at] gmail [dot] com

Shri Pathikrit

180 Dr.Laden Lepcha 9734146244 laasan67 [at] gmail [dot] com
181 Dr.Sandip Sankar Ghsoh 9432486653 sandipsankarmal [at] gmail [dot] com
Computer Sc & Engg
182 Prof.Jyotsna Kumar Mondal 9434352214 jkm [dot] cse [at] gmail [dot] com
183 Prof.Kalyani Mali 9836005668 kalyanimali1992 [at] gmail [dot] com
184 Prof.Utpal Biswas 9433351361 utpal01in [at] yahoo [dot] com
185 Dr.Anirban Mukhopadhyay 9874043858 anirbanbuba [at] yahoo [dot] com
186 Shri Priya Ranjan Sinha
9432146141 priya_cskly [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
187 Dr.Debabrata Sarddar 9832921489 dsarddar [at] rediffmail [dot] com
188 Dr,Malay Bhattacharyya 9433552905
Business Administration
189 Prof.Satyajit Dhar 9433463658 satyajitdhar [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
190 Prof.Manas Kumar Sanyal 9434451520 manas_sanyal [at] rediffmail [dot] com
191 Prof.Isita Lahiri 9433289357 isitalahiri [at] yahoo [dot] com
192 Dr.Tuhin Mukherjee 9830229364 tm [dot] ku [dot] finance [at] gmail [dot] com
193 Tirupati Chellapalli 8897259193
194 Dr.Partha Pratim Sarkar 9433164063 parthabe91 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
195 Dr.Sushanta Biswas 9434451168 biswas [dot] su [at] gmail [dot] com
196 Dr.Sanjoy Das 9433873391 dassanjoy081 [at] hotmail [dot] com
197 Dr.Debasree Chanda Sarkar 9433814320 dsarkar70 [at] gmail [dot] com
198 Dr.Nabin Ghoshal 9903435663 nabin_ghoshal [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
199 Dr.Susanta Sarkar 9239175075 sushantasarkar [at] aol [dot] com
200 Shri Srinka Basu 9748748505 Srinka [dot] basu [at] gmail [dot] com
201 Prof.Udaybhanu
9804306515 uday [dot] rdmku [at] gmail [dot] com
202 Dr.Sudipta Sarkar 9903018792 sudiptasarkar235 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
203 Dr.Tapati Bhadra(Banerjee) 9433340052
Eco Engg & Env Management
204 Dr.Jayanta Kumar Biswas 9434179945 biswajoy2000 [at] yahoo [dot] com
205 Dr.Sushmita Lahiri 9830793021 minku_lahiri [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Visual Arts
206 Shri Ritendra Roy 9433561409 royritendra [at] gmail [dot] com
207 Dr.Bibekananda Mukherjee 9433726122 bibek_artistindia [at] rediffmail [dot] com
208 Shri Khokon Raut 9432435004 raut_khokon [at] yahoo [dot] com
209 Dr. Biva Kumari 9903791335 bivakumarirbc [at] gmail [dot] com
210 Dr. Himangshu Kumar 9830141618
211 Shri Sukesh Lohar 8420143895

List of Email Directory (Officers) 

Designation Name Email
1 Registrar Dr. Debansu Ray registrar [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in;
2 Registrar Dr. Debansu Ray registrarklyuniv [at] gmail [dot] com
3 Deputy Registrar Dr. Inrani Karar deputyregistrar [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
4 Asst Registrar I Dr. Susanta Sarkar (Offg.) sankar [dot] sarkar246 [at] gmail [dot] com
5 Asst Registrar II Mr. Iman Sengupta imansenarku [at] gmail [dot] com
6 Development Officer Dr. Bijay Kumar De doklyuniv [at] gmail [dot] com
7 Controller of Examination Dr. Bimalendu Biswas controllerofexaminationsku [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Deputy Controller of Mr. Subhas Chakraborti scdeputycontrollerku [at] gmail [dot] com
9 Examination Mr. Subhas Chakraborti scdeputycontrollerku [at] gmail [dot] com
10 Asst. Controller of
Dr. Sukanta Majumder ace [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
11 Dean Student's Welfare Dr. Rana Ghosh dsw [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
12 Dean Student's Welfare - dsw [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
13 Finance Officer Mr. Mridul Kundu mkfoku [at] gmail [dot] com
14 Audit & Account Officer Mr.Anjan Kumar Das aaoakd1972 [at] gmail [dot] com
15 Account Officer Mr. Nilanjan Chatterjee chowdhuryco [at] gmail [dot] com
16 University Engineer Mr. Sarit Banik Choudhary ueku2001 [at] gmail [dot] com
17 Assistant Engineer
Mrs. Sanhita Roy Acharya sanhita [dot] acharya [at] gmail [dot] com
18 Secretary Faculty
Council UG
Dr. Minakshi Sarkar (Offg.) ugfc [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
19 Secretary Faculty
Council PG
Dr. Pinaki Chottopadhyay drpinakichattopadhyay [at] gmail [dot] com
20 Inspector of Colleges Dr. Subrata Kumar Ray skray [at] gmail [dot] com
21 System-in-Charge Dr. Ujjal Marjit sic [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
22 Programmer Mr. Dipansu Mondal programmer [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
23 Medical Officer Dr. Ishan Ghosh ishanghosh [at] hotmail [dot] com
24 Librarian Dr. Asitabha Das das_asit [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
25 Asst. Librarian Dr. Dipa Roy deeparoy01 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
26 Director DODL Prof. Debandu
dodlklyuniv [at] gmail [dot] com

Directorate of Open and Distance

EPABX Contact Details Address
1 Director,
Prof. Tapati
Extn. 363/418
dodlklyuniv [at] gmail [dot] com
Directorate of Open and
Distance Learning (DODL),
P.O. Kalyani-741235,District-Nadia
(Near to Kalyani Ghospara
Railway Station)
State: West Bengal

Faculty Profile, DODL

Name Number Email
Assistant Professor
1 Dr. Rajsekhar Nandi 9433984560 rajsekharnandidodl [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Dr. Shrabanti Pan 7908151672 shrabantipandodl [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
3 Ms. Anwesa Chattopadhyay 9732330662 canwesa1993 [at] gmail [dot] com
4 Ms. Rajanya Ganguly 9836109521 rajanya [dot] ganguly [at] gmail [dot] com
5 Mr. Sukrit Mukherjee 9163824358 sukritmukherjeedodl [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
6 Mr. Bidyut Patar 8926231621 bidyut [dot] firearms [at] gmail [dot] com
7 Dr. Shampa Sarkar 9830818356 shampasarkar4 [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Mr. Sajal Chintapatra 9093607298 sajal [dot] chintapatra [at] gmail [dot] com
9 Dr. Subhabrata Ghosh 9903221547 subhabrataghoshdodl [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
10 Dr. Sudeshna Banerjee 9434801220 sudeshna [dot] jrf [at] gmail [dot] com
11 Dr.Bapi Ghosh 8670146648 bapighoshdodl [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
12 Dr. Pallab Kumar Ghosh 9474460712 pal [dot] mic [dot] bu [at] gmail [dot] com
13 Ms. Audrija Choudhury 9007278924 audrijachoudhurydodl [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
14 Mr. Biswajit Mallick 9563154860 biswajitmallickdodl18 [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
15 Dr.Sayan Choudhary 8348166534 sayanchoudhurydodl [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in

Centres Contacts

Centre Contact Details
1 Centre for Information
Resource Management
cirm [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Center for Studies on
Bengali Diaspora
Prof. Sumit Mukerji,
csbdku [at] gmail [dot] com

Student Zone

Right to Information

Designation Name Number Email
First Appellant Authority
1 Registrar Professor (Dr.) Debansu Ray Fax- 033-25828282
registrar [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in
State Public Information Officer (SPIO)
2 Deputy Registrar Dr. Indrani Karar 033-25025762 
Fax- 033-25828282
deputyregistrar [at] klyuniv [dot] ac [dot] in


Kalyani University
Kalyani, Nadia-741235,
West Bengal, India

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