Sr.No | Message Category | Name | Contact | SMS content |
1 | Agronomy | Sri Dhonoram Koch Sri Haradhan Mahanta |
9863179148, 9436708122 |
Land preparation for nursery raising of Sali paddy |
2 | Agronomy | Sri Haradhan Mahanta Md Zilkat Hussain |
9436708122, 9615177797 |
Stop irrigation atleast 7 days before harvesting of Boro Paddy to save water & increase productivity |
3 | Agronomy | Sri Haradhan Mahanta Md Zilkat Hussain |
9436708122, 9615177797 |
Thinning and top dressing of Urea@ 6 kg/bigha at 20-25 days after sowing followed by light earthing up in Maize |
4 | Horticulture | Sri Saheen Sangma | 9436744079 | Identify the early bearing & bigger size cashewnut plant for germplasm collection. |
5 | Sri Saheen Sangma | 9436744079 | Spray Rogor @ 2ml/litre of water after harvesting of Litchi to control the leaf curl. |
6 | Plant Protection | Sri Dhonoram Koch | 9863179148 | Spray Blitox-50@ 3 gm/litre of water at 15 days intervals to control leaf spot in Okra(Bhindi) |
7 | Plant Protection | Sri Bhupen Hajong | 9863120278 | Spray Chloropyriphos @ 4ml/5 litre of water for Bean Aphids during sunny days |
8 | Plant Protection | Mrs. Sukila Marak Sri Silnang Sangma |
9615185350, 080-14319235 |
Cultivate Milky Mushroom for higher yield. Spawn may be collected from KVK, Tura |
9 | Fishery | Sri Abanti Hajong Md Zilkat Hussain |
9615894468, 9615177797 |
Apply Lime @ 27 kg/bigha & Cowdung @133 kg/bigha at 15-20 days before stocking of fingerlings |
10 | Animal Science | Sri Haradhan Mahanta Sri Bhupen Hajong Sri Dhonoram Koch |
9436708122, 9863120278, 9863179148 |
Grow perennial fodders like Napier, Para, Guinea, and Congsignal. Planting materials available at KVK, Tura |
11 | Animal Science | Sri Haradhan Mahanta Sri Bhupen Hajong Sri Dhonoram Koch |
9436708122, 9863120278, 9863179148 |
Vaccinate your Cattle against the FMD, HS and BQ & save them from these deadly diseases |
12 | Animal Science | Sri Dhonoram Koch | 9863179148 | Vaccinate your goats against the Enterotoxaemia disease |
Dr.Narendra Prakash Director
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region
Umroi Road, Umiam- 793 103.
Phone: 0364-2570257, 0364-2570302
Fax : 0364-2570363
Email: director [at] icarneh [dot] ernet [dot] in
West Garo Hills, Tura,
Meghalaya 794005
Fax: 03651-222535