Sam's Club Customer Care



  • samsbulk [at] email [dot] wal-mart [dot] com (Bulk Order Inquiry)
  • samsbulk [at] samsclub [dot] com (Bulk Order Query)

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Timing : Mon-Sat, 7am-11pm CST, Sun, 10am-8pm CST)


  • Item can be returned with receipt to the Member Services desk at any Sam's Club location.
  • For online orders, visit Help center, or go to order details under customer account, then
    select Return Item and paste printout of return label on the package and send it.
  • Items purchased at a Sam's Club location can't be shipped back.
  • For items returned at Sam's Club location, refund will be in the form of credit or cash.
  • For items returned through, refund will be credited to the account that was
    charged at the time of purchase.
  • Customer can also call at +1-888-746-7726 with order number.
  • For more information, please read.


Sam's Club, 2101 SE Simple
Savings Drive, Bentonville,
AR 72716-0745.

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