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गौ माता की हत्या

उत्तर प्रदेश के 253 विधान सभा क्षेत्र चायल तहसील में 06 सितंबर 2024 को कान्हा गौशाला में गौ हत्या करके उसका मांस वहा से बाहर भेजने का मामला आया है । पर यह खबर लोकल चैनल तक ही सीमित रह गया है। जिसके कारण कुछ भी एक्शन नही ले रही ,वहा का पुलिस प्रशासन ।

सर,कृपया इस खबर की पृष्टि करते हुए,आप इसको अपने चैनल के माध्यम से सरकार तक पहुंचाने में मदद करे

Corruption at its peek

Please check Goyla Dairy, Qutub Vihar Main road, which has been made recently and has been damaged with its 1 season rain. Road has big holes which affect the traffic and many vehicles got into the road.

राजस्थान में 3 साल से अटकी हुई है लैपटॉप वितरण योजना

राजस्थान में 3 साल से लैपटाप वितरण नहीं हो रहा है। 2019-20 2020-21 202-22
राजस्थान सरकार इस पे जरा सा भी ध्यान नहीं दे रही है। मेधावी छात्रों को ऑनलाइन पढ़ाई करने में बहुत दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है।
और जबकि 2019 20 का टेंडर भी पास हो चुका है लेकिन सरकार का इस पर कोई ध्यान नहीं है कृपया करके आप सरकार का ध्यान आकर्षण करने की कोशिश करें।

अवैध कब्जा

Mr. I Rajasthan Jalore Gram Panchayat Jodwara Tehsil Jaswantpura In my village 60 years old running road was illegally encroached, for this we gave memorandum to Collector and Tehsildar ji but no action is being taken nor your media channel is ours. After coming to the village, someone is ready to take the ground level news, due to the blocking of this road, the small children, who are 8 to 9 years old, are also facing problems in going to school, since last 20 days they have not gone to school.

Ssc gd 2018 requirement के एवज में प्रैस विज्ञप्ति

प्रैस विज्ञप्ति
कॉनफैडरेसन आफ़ एक्स पैरामिलिट्री फोर्स वैलफेयर एसोसिएशन के बैनर तले *देशभर के अलग-अलग राज्यों से हजारों की संख्या में एसएससी जीडी उम्मीदवार सदी के संत की समाधि राजघाट दिल्ली में शांतिपूर्ण तरीके से 12 नवंबर को धरना देंगे* ओर‌ मौन जलूस निकाल कर महामहिम राष्ट्रपति जी को 85 हजार मेडिकल फिट युवाओं की शीघ्र नियुक्ति हेतु ज्ञापन सौंपेंगे।
महासचिव रणबीर सिंह ने प्रैस विज्ञप्ति जारी करते हुए कहा कि स्टाफ सलेक्शन कमीशन द्वारा केंद्रीय अर्धसैनिक बलों वास्ते जुलाई 2018 में तकरीबन 55 हजार युवाओं के लिए भर्ती प्रक्रिया शुरू की गई ओर आज़ तीन साल होने को आए अभी तक युवाओं को नियुक्ति पत्र ही जारी नहीं किया गया जिसके चलते दो तिहाई उम्मीदवारों के सिर पर औवर-एज होने का खतरा मंडरा रहा है। इसी प्रकार का छलावा 2015 में ली गई परिक्षा के दौरान हुआ जब 5 हजार मेडिकल फिट कैंडिडेट्स को नियुक्त से वंचित कर दिया गया जोकि आज कोर्ट कचहरी का चक्कर काट रहे हैं। जिसके चलते की युवा आत्महत्या जैसा जानलेवा कदम भी उठा चुके ।स्टाफ सलेक्शन के ढुलमुल एवं टालमटोल रवैए के कारण देशभर के हजारों ही नहीं बल्कि लाखों युवाओं को इस लेट-लतीफी के कारण युवाओं में केंद्रीय सरकार के प्रति घोर निराशा हाथ लगी । युवाओं के भविष्य के साथ खिलवाड़ किया जा रहा है जो कि सन् 2015 से बदस्तूर जारी है।
महासचिव ने हाल ही में माननीय ग्रह राज्य मंत्री श्री नित्यानंद राय के संसद में दिए गए बयान की ओर दिलाया जिसमें केंद्रीय अर्धसैनिक बलों में एक लाख सिपाहियों के पद खाली पड़े हैं। *उम्मीद कि माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी जब इस बार सुरक्षा बलों के साथ सरहदों पर दिवाली मनाने जाएं तो अवश्य ही 30 हजार सीटें बढा सभी 85 हजार मेडिकल फिट एसएससी जीडी युवाओं को नियुक्ति पत्र देने की घोषणा करेंगे।* उपरोक्त नियुक्तियों के लिए कोई बड़े बजट की जरूरत नहीं जबकि एक लाख सिपाही पदों पर रिक्तियां पहले से हैं। साथ ही सुरक्षा बलों व एसएससी द्वारा वेटिंग लिस्ट जारी करने की मांग की ताकि गरीब बेरोजगारों के घरों में इस बार खुशी के दीए-दीपक जलाएं जा सकें। आज समय की मांग कि सरहदों पर ड्रेगन की नापाक हरकतों के चलते युवाओं को अतिशीघ्र नियुक्ति कर चालाक चीन को उसी की भाषा में ज़बाब दिया जाए। 12 नवंबर को राजघाट में होने वाली रैली में कोविड के चलते मास्क, सैनिटाइजर का इस्तेमाल एवं सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग का पालन करते हुए युवाओं से भारी संख्या में शांति पुर्ण भागीदारी सुनिश्चित करने हेतु अपील किया ताकि लोकप्रिय प्रधानमंत्री जी के संज्ञान में इस महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दे की ओर ध्यान आकर्षित किया जा सके ।
रणबीर सिंह
कॉनफैडरेसन आफ़ एक्स पैरामिलिट्री फोर्स वैलफेयर एसोसिएशन।

Family penshion

Nivedan hai ki govt employees ki vidhva or tlakshuda betiyo ko family penshion Dee jati Jo beto ke moulik or kanuni adhikaro ka hanan hai aap sansd ka vishesh satr bulakr ak aisa bill pass krvaye jisse beto ko bhi family panshion ka labh mil ske

Family penshion

Nivedan hai ki govt employees ki vidhva or tlakshuda betiyo ko family penshion Dee jati Jo beto ke moulik or kanuni adhikaro ka hanan hai aap sansd ka vishesh satr bulakr ak aisa bill pass krvaye jisse beto ko bhi family panshion ka labh mil ske

गांव की गंदगी दूर करने के विषय में

जिला कौशाम्बी के करारी थाना के अन्तर्गत मेरा गांव बभंकांटी आता है । सर मेरे गांव बाभंकांटी में इस कदर गंदगी फैली है कि कुछ कहा नहीं जा सकता और गांव का सफाई कर्मचारी राम अवतार गांव में कभी कभार दिखता है और सफाई पर पूर्ण रूप से ध्यान नहीं देता है। और गांव के प्रधान श्री बड़े लाल ने गांव की रोड बनवाने के लिए मिट्टी डलवा दी मगर गांव में आपसी रंजिश के कारण रोड का निर्माण कार्य भी नहीं हो पाया जिससे बारिश का पानी भर जाता है और फिसलन आ जाती है जिससे लोगों को निकलने के भारी समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है। और आपसी झगड़े की वजह से लोग एक दूसरे के दरवाजे पर कूड़ा कचरा फेंक देते है जिससे लोगों को और भी गंदगी का सामना करना पड़ता है। आपसे निवेदन है कि सर क्रपया हमारी और हमारे गांव की मदद करे।

Hindu ladki ko Muslim ladki k dwara love zihad me fasana.

U.p k kandhla k najdeek village hai Ghadi dowlat jaha par Hindu ladkiyo ko love jihad me fasaya gya hai.recently mere mama ki beti h jisko 18 August ko Muslim ladko ko dwara uthvaya gya. Kripya is pr aap gaur kre. Media Tak baat ja nhi pati. Waha Hindu log bahut darr k saye me jee rhe hai..

Send me your Reporter nos in Amritsar Punjab

Dear Sir
Pls send me your zeenews reporter in Amritsar Area in Punjab its urgent Ihope you accept my request
Thanking you


सेवा में श्रीमान् प्रथम राष्ट्रिय पदाधिकारी जी न्यूज महोदय
श्रेष्ठ न्यूज चेनल भारत
विषय—आपके उच्चपदाशीन पदाधिकारिगणों के पास विचाराधीन भेजे
आदरणीय भारतीय सस्कृति की धार्मिक संस्थाओं के अध्यक्ष महोदय पुरेविश्व में भगवान् राम का प्रमुख प्रसिद्ध मंदिर बनने की ख़ुशी हो रही है भगवान् श्रीराम के गुणों का गुणगान हो रहा है पुरा विश्व गाँव गाँव में गोकुलधाम देश देश में जय श्रीराम हो रहा है तो आपसे निवेदन है की मंदिर परिसर में गाँव गाँव में गोकुलधाम देश देश में जय श्रीराम इस श्लोगन का चित्रण कराया जाय और भगवान् श्रीराम पुरे विश्व में सर्वप्रथम तीर कबाण वाले युग युगांतर भगवान् मानते है भगवान् राम का अनुरोध संबोधन आप पुरे बह्मांड में तिरंगी हो आप जैसा पुरे बह्मांड में दुसरा तिरंगी और नहीं आप तो अंतरजामी है आप तिर्कालदर्शी है आप सर्वघ्य है भगवान् राम के बारे में पुरे विश्व को ज्ञान है आपसे अनुरोध है की प्रमुख प्रसिद्ध मंदिर परिसर में प्रमुख द्वार पर ॐतिरन्गायनम: का चित्रण कराया जाय साथ में भगवान् लक्ष्मण और भगवान् बजरंगबली जैसा भी पुरे विश्व में नहीं है आपसे अनुरोध है की प्रमुख प्रसिद्ध मंदिर परिसर में भगवाण राम भगवान् लक्ष्मण भगवान् बजरंगबली का चित्रण सहित श्लोगन ॐतिरंगी जय बजरंगी लिखाया जाय मान्यवर इन श्लोग्नो का में रोज उच्चारण करता हूँ जीवन सुखमय हो गया आप विचाराधीन चर्चा कराकर निर्णय करावे भगवान् श्रीराम का कथन है की वक्त आने पर समय पर विचार कर लेना चाहिए कार्य को प्रगति दे देनी चाहिए बाद में क्या पता क्या हो समय का पता नहीं
कोपी—आपके अनुसार हो सकती है
महावीर प्रसाद जैन पता :- पानी की टंकी के पास कोयले की टाल के पास मंशा पूर्ण बालाजी मन्दिर के पास आजाद नगर मदनगंज किशनगढ़ जिला अजमेर राजस्थान

This is worst service I have

This is worst service I have ever scene . The app is not at all user friendly. Also no proper customer care number is present.

please make a report on

please make a report on policemen, gaurds and other citizens lynched by beef transporters. this data has never been in the main stream media

Movie telecast

Please telecast Amitabh bachchan and zeenat Aman laawalis movie

Ration kits black by ration shop keepers

I want to inform you that as the Aap government said that they will give the Delhi public free ration kit to all card holder but in the west Delhi Nangloi yadav park the shop owner who is giving ration to public he is not giving any essential ration kit so where Are all the Kit which comes for poor people please pay attention on it

Non Receipt of Food items in Punjab Villages

Dear Sir,

I am writing this in regard to people not receiving food items in villages of Mohali district in Punjab. Punjab Government is providing the food items, but the same is not reaching the people who actually require it. In Chhaju majra Village ni Mohali district near chandigarh International Airport. The food material being sent by Government is taken by the Village Head and distributed to only 2 or 3 families close to him. Other People in the Village are being given assurances to come the next day.

I am writing to you as my employees are staying in that village on rent. I have spoken to my employees today and come to know about the situation. I request you to please take up the matter, so that the people do not suffer for want of food items.

Warm Regards,
Deepak Sachdev

कोटेदार &राशन

हमारे ग्राम पंचायत मंसूर गंज जिला अम्बेडकर नगर है थाना जहांगीर गंज ।ब्लॉक रामनगर है
विषय _ हमारे ग्राम पंचायत मंसूर गंज में राशन में घपले वजी कर रहा है कोटे दार जिसका नाम राम मिलन प्रजा पति ओ राशन सबको कम वितरित कर रहा है पूरी जनता उसके खिलाफ है जो सरकार हमें 1 यूनिट पे राशन 5 किलो दे रहा है पर कोटेदार हमें 1 यूनिट पे 4 किलो राशन दे रहा है आप सोचे इसलिए हम ग्राम वाशी इसे रिपोर्ट को न्यूज पे लाना चाहते है आप लोग इसे टीवी पे दिखाए या खुद आप आके यहां का prshthiti देखे आप से निवेदन है कृपया इसे न्यूज पे दिखाया जाय हमारा संपर्क नम्बर है 6e94180617 aap aur kuch puxna ho to puxe

Appreciation of all for COVID control actions


Today I take the liberty as a reporter to report voice of India on behalf of the whole Indian citizens.


Amidst COVID-19 pandemic being experienced across our country, we appreciate the Governments role in making proficient use of technology, demonstrating excellent verbal & written communication and strong organization skills. The Govt. has proven to be an ideal example of time management through accurately planned tasks arranging bureaucratic and executive calendars, and multi-tasking activities resourcefully in exploring avenues to reach a solution- being witnessed.
As such, we thank wonderful efforts of Ministers, Judiciary, Medical staff and Policemen and health-care assistants and especially the Media! Any influential chief would be powerless if they are not backed by strong such teams like we witnessed on ground! Evidently it adds to our pride being Indian!

We all Indian citizens appreciate the combined efforts of the whole Government both at Centre and all the States, and are proud of the restless efforts of all Media and with a distinct mention of ZEE media (and especially Sudhir Chowdhary through DNA including the running news all the day), emergency services team members. Unique electric forewarned and prepared actions by Hon. PM Narendra Modi, Health/Foreign affairs ministry is an” EXAMPLE ACROSS THE GLOBE OF WHAT INDIA IS” in true sense from local citizens to the highest power in order- exhibiting accord in ethical and moral core!

Our Govt. expected commitment, but the citizens have given dedication to humanitarian services, Govt. expected obedience, but the citizens has offered extended support, Govt. expected cooperation, but the citizens have bestowed with immense capital! We the citizens expected better governance at State level and at local bureaucracy levels at each district however we visualize on ground level the best and extraordinary moreover! Amidst COVID-19 pandemic and panic at some places of our country the efforts of all the political parties both at regional and national level have set an example of ONE-INDIA on ground which is highly appreciated. Thank you all of you and the whole team members on service for the restless efforts and everything you did and shall do. Thanks for being a commendable team. You have infused a sense among the whole countrymen to work together like a swarm of bees, to achieve success as sweet as honey, in the national interests. Thanks for an excellent job team and the citizens of INDIA!

With all the efforts in unison, I FORECAST A TRULY AMALGAMATED AND A COMPLETE INDIA ETERNALLY! We all the citizens of India, anticipate demonstration of such unity across the country eternally for escalation in all sectors of our country!
- Trustworthy & Humble ever yours,

For bank workars

Aap ..corona k beech me .. bank workar sko bhuul gaye he
Jo .corona hote huye bhi apna kaam kar rahahhe

Government hospital ill-equipped for Corona

Daily we read how the government has prepared itself in the fight against Corona. But in Kurla Bhabha Hospital we find that only the selected few staff are provided with the protective gear, rest of the staff is left on their fate. Inspite of the staff requesting for the protective gear,they are forced to perform their duty without the protective suits. As a result when the patient does not reveal his proper history the staff is at a grave risk. Such an incident happened in the hospital and more than 20 staff members are being hospitalized now. These lapses should not have occurred in the first place as you are just waiting for such an incident to happen. The superiors in the hospital such as the Metran, the M.S, the senior M.O should all be held accountable for putting the life of their fellow staff members at risk. The collection taken from the staff members was also not immediately sent for verification. This amounts to gross negligence on the part of the hospital authorities. Can revive the staff members in case anything goes wrong with them, the staff has acted in good faith and had responded to the call of duty as appealed by the P.M. But see what they get return from the shameless superiors. Please probe in this matter and bring out all the details.

Corona virus

Aaj me apne desh ko is tarha is bhayanak Bihari ko dekh ke bahut dukhi hu. Or Jis tarha apne desh ke Raksha karne ke liye bahut bade diggaj Aage aa rhe h isi tarha me bhe ek aam nagrik hone ke Nate or apne desh apne Dharti maa ko bachane ke liye pure tarha apne aap ko apne desh ke liye samarpit karna chata hu.agar Karona virous ki medicine tyar hoti h to me us test ke liye us medicine ko apne upar test karne ke liye me apne ziven ko daan karna chata hu. Me apne desh ke pm modi Ji se request Karna chata hu ke is message ko mere pita saman pm modi Ji jarur sune.jede humare pm modi Ji is desh ke liye mar mitne ko tyar rehte h me bhe Unke saath Khada rehna chata hu. Pm modi Ji mujhe ye Avshar de or Apni desh Apni Dharti maa ke liye mujhe bhe Kuch karne ka Moka de....

Khup khup khup imp mla yavishai bolaych ahe

Khup changli bab ahe pn mi ek chotishi winanti karu echhito prashasnala saglya thikanchya prashasanala mazi ek chotishi vinanti ki partek bhagat aapla mukhya paskiy wyakti ahe jya wayaktiwr tya tya bhagachi jababdari ahe tya bhagatil lokanachi jababdari ahe aani to mhanje tya bhagatil NAGARSEWAK tya waktila lokani ashya adchnichya kala sathi tyanchya madatisatich niwdun dilele ahe tyani tya tya bagat parek gharat jithe jithe garaj ahe tyani tya garaja parshasanachya madtine purwawyt aani lokana gharat rahnyasathi madat karavi hich ek namr vinati kupya ya chya thoda tri gambhiryane vichar karawa karn aaj mi pahl police aaj lokana sagl saman pohchwtana dist ahe tyani kay kay karaw surksha karn hech tyanch kam pn aaj tyanach saman pohchwaw lagt ahe aapn nagar sewak ahet prashanache mukhya adharsathbh krupya swarw prashasnala mazi namr vinanti yogya wat asel tr vichar karun yogya to nirnay ghyawa (kuachya bhawna dukhawlyas mafi asawwi) Naresh Nalat akot dt akola

Country liquor sold openly in peragarhi relief camp

Wonderful work by Delhi police.

Vocational traniners working in govt schools at Delhi

Dear mam /sir
Plz zee News
M Harish m Delhi ki govt school m vocational traniners hu or ham govt school m contract per kaam ker rhi h or hamare 2-3 months Se salery nhi mile h or aab ye Corona various chel gya h or aab hamara gher ka kharch chalana bhi muskill ho gya h or Delhi ky mukhya mantri kajriwal bol rhi h ki gher per hi khani kaa saman Bejaa jay ga or ham ko kaaam keya h us ka bhi time se salary nhi de ja rhi h plz hamare sahyta kero

Some Schools still operating in Vasai

Hello Sir,

This is to kindly inform you that, Today morning at around 7:30 AM I saw One of school student from our building waiting for school bus. I asked her, How's your school open today. I saw school buss from same school picking up students. (Only few class were open not all)

There are some other schools also operating.

1) I tried calling police station but couldn't reach.
2) I Called our Corporator Mr.Raja Kamli sir and informed about same, he assured he would take action.
3) Also informed few more people in whatsapp group
One of them Mr. Hemant Matwankar informed police and Police assured to take action.
4) When parents call school administration few days back, They were very rude and said schools were open and students of particular class have to come.
5) Just called family, Its 10:15 Am still child has not returned from school

School administration is not following orders circulated by Govt.
They are putting all children's life at risk, along with people who could come in contact with those children if infected.
It takes just on contact with any corona infected person or thing to spread it across.
How could a school and principal be so careless.

School Details.
Holy Family Convent School & Junior College
Evershine city,Gokhivera Vasai-E, Thane 401 208

मुम्बई लोकल

मुम्बई में आये दिन लोकल गाड़ी से लोग टकराते रहते हैं। ऐसी ही एक घटना 10 फरवरी को बदलापुर स्टेशन पर घटित हुई। आपके माध्यम से ऐसी घटनाओं को रोकने के लिए एक जागरूकता अभियान कार्यक्रम चलाया जा सकता है जिसमे मोटरमैन एवम वो परिवार के लोग अपनी सक्रिय भूमिका से इन दुर्घटनाओं में कमी ला सकते हैं।
गाड़ी से एक घटना का वीडियो भेज रहा हूँ, अवश्य देखिए एवम यदि मानव सुरक्षा के हित मे कुछ कर सकें तो जरूर करने की कृपा करें।

अशोक शर्मा

Extortion money in the name of Royalty

I am Shailendra Verma from Jharkhand. I am doing Stone chips supplying business in Bengal. Whenever I send my materials to my customer in Bengal, the lorry has to cross a so-called check- post of West Bengal govt in Chatra of PS- Murarai of Birbhum District. Some local taut deputed by TMC Birbhum District President Shri Anubrata Mandal are sitting there. They ask the truck driver to pay RS4000/- in the name of royalty, but not giving any govt receipt. In my opinion this a sort of extortion. And this is the case happening with every businessman. There are 5 to 6 check posts in Birbhum District. The extortion money sums upto RS 2crore(approx) per day. If we calculate it will come to 700 to 800 crore per year.
The businessmen of this area have been helpless but hopeful. Hopeful of being heard by you people.So, please help us in tackling this problem through your news channel. If you want any help from us in sting operation, we will heartily cooperate you.

Help me

sir 14/1/2020 ko mere bhai ka kidnaping huaa uske bad abhi tak police ki taraph se koi karwahi nahi huaa please help me sir

Delhi riots,

Hello sir i would like to inform you in delhi riots,any of news channel didn't come here for any reporting and anything else, i request you please come here for visiting at shiv vihar,mustafabaad please visit here 1 st we are stuked in big priblem.

Olx me fraud

Hello sir,
Mai Rashmi, district-durg, state- chhattishgarh, se hun Olx me gadi ka add dekh kr hum usme diye no. Par call Karte h to Vah person acne Aap ko army, Cisf Wala btata h or gadi ka address jha ka data tha wha se jha hun wha le aaya hu khte h or gadi ko apple add. Me bhej dunga bolte h army transport se to iske liye charge pay karne kahte h Google Pay se lekin gadi nhi aati kya kare sir please help me

Aap her debate show main call

Aap her debate show main call kr ke vote karne ka moka de pls kyunki modi. Ji ke saath hum hain but razai main ghus kr bahar nikal kr kon protest kre modi h na hamne vote de kr ehsaan kr diya us desh ke laal pr ?

At action by our govt on swiss bank blact list

Open list of swiss bank of ibdian who have cheat us .plz show on our favourate chanbel zee news

Fraud going on name of fastag from HDFC


I have applied for fastag on hdfc official portal. I have applied for fastag two times on hdfc official portal. I did the first transaction on 29th Nov and 2nd transaction done on 1st Dec 2019. My first transaction got unsuccessful for which money got deducted from my account.but i didn't receive the money back. My 2nd transaction got successful for which I received the user id details, but i didn't receive the fastag till date. I have already contact the hdfc customer care but didn't got any response. I register one compliant on consumer forum (www.consumercomplaints.in/hdfc-bank-fastag-not-received-c2533945). There lot of complaints from other hdfc customers also. Please take a note on this issue this serious online fraud which is going on the name of fastag.



My father’s age is 72 years and recently undergone surgery and I am helpless to take him even for checkup at hospital due to non working lift and it’s not possible to go down by stairs from 11th floor.

My mother is also a senior citizen and my children are school going.

I have requested all the concerned persons of company to solve problem but no solution has been done yet.

Everyone can very well understand that it’s not possible for anybody to go up and down from 11th floor.

Supplier of LPG Cylinder, Medicine supplier , Grocery supplier has denied to deliver at 11th floor due to non working lift.
They denied to deliver through stairs.

Now the maid has also denied to come to work at home as no solution done for making lift operative and she is unable to come through stairs at 11th floor on daily basis.



I am stuck with my family and life has become worst than HELL.

No one has done any corrective measures to resolve my problem and all have completely denied.

I request to all concerned personnel and authorities to PLEASE PLEASE HELP US.


correction in date

About two hours ago nonstop news uploaded on web date was written as 27th October 2019 to be corrected as 27th November 2019
Zee news not expected to make such mistake

आपको अवगत कराना चाहता हूं

मैं *प्रमोद कुमार गुप्ता, सचिव, दिल्ली प्रदेश कांग्रेस सेवा दल, निवासी 72 ए, गली नंबर 6, वेस्ट विनोद नगर, विधान सभा क्षेत्र पटपड़गंज*
आपको अवगत कराना चाहता हूं कि मेरे घर में आज *दिनांक 18/11/19 दोपहर लगभग 2:30* बजे चोरी हो गई है।
मेरा बड़ा बेटा विनीत गुप्ता अपने बच्चो को स्कूल वैन से रिसीव करने मंगलम हॉस्पिटल के पास मेन रोड तक गया था।
वापिस घर आने पर उसने अपने घर के मुख्य द्वार का सेंट्रल लॉक टूटा पाया और घर के अंदर सारा सामान बिखरा मिला ।
अलमारी के लॉकर के ताले भी टूटे मिले, जिसके अंदर से सारा सोने का सामान और नगदी भी नदारद मिली।
विनीत को उसकी नियोक्ता कंपनी आईबीएम द्वारा दिया गया लैपटॉप भी गायब मिला।
मैं आपको सीसीटीवी कैमरे में क़ैद चोरों की तस्वीरें भी भेज रहा हूं।
आपसे अनुरोध है कि शीघरातिशीघ्र कार्यवाही कर आरोपियों को पकड़वाने का कष्ट करें।


Club factory gurgaon ke customer care dowara frod

main Bhaiyaram Oraon,Boisar Mumbai Mai club factory gurgaon se shurts paint manaya tha jisme se ak return online kiya lekin A/c no. likhne ka option nahi tha.dusre din Kapre le gaye paisa campni dega bolke.phir mai customer care ko phone kiya usne phone pe app ka mobile no. liya. ak SMS bheja use forward kar ke ak no.diya usme bhejne bola.phir esse bhe nhen ho rha hai bol krATM no. manga es parkarA/C se - 4300 R's nikal liya ata aap se niwedn hai ki news ke madhyam se karwane kren.local police ko camplen kiya lekin kuch nahi kiya.

SSC result of MTS

Sir please attention on my request I am a retired Army soldier. sir I was appeared in SSC MTS examinations, on 05 Nov 2019 SSC announced result, there are many incorrect result declared of ex serviceman category result, the cut off of esm Delhi region is 20 Marks I scored 51 marks but my name missing in final list please do something because its happening many other esm

News about pollution

I request to zee news channel ,please broadcast the news as a local man of India,please don't play politics.


Nashik sinnar la khup paus zal ahe pan ek news vala gela nhi

School Fee Hike by Bal Bharati public school, Rohini Delhi

We are parents of Bal Bharati Public School, Rohini, Delhi 85., our school has raised school fees (35 to 50%) in first quarter of this financial year without permission of DOE and without any discussion with parents. Apart from that they are asking for arrears also for last few years.

We are requesting school to discuss with us amicably but principal is adamant and not cooperating. She is behaving like a Hitler and saying she will not listen to the DOE and any department. We have send a letter to school principal on 8-9-19 with CC to all big shots of DOE, Ministers but awaiting their kindness.

School is sending us reminder thru school diary and letter thru post and harassing us like anything on phone, whatsapp everywhere. We have requested several time to school for accepting old fees from us but they are not accepting and returning the Cheque.

We are following under trail mail with DOE Director Mr.Binay Bhushan and personally met them thrice for the matter but no action has been taken, We are also following with Mr.Manish Sisodia (Education Minister) on mail and surprisingly one simple mail revert received from them always (PL CHECK TRAIL MAIL), but no action taken.

We are attaching herewith a simple government paper where DOE has clearly written a letter to school (BBPS, ROHINI) for no fees hike untill they approved it, if that is so then how come school send fees reminder and not accepting fees from us.

We request your intervention in the same matter and hope to get positive answer from your side, in INDIA there is justice only happen for above small matters when media intervene or else, we can not do it alone.

pl help and revert.


Work against recession and population

1) I request you work against economic recession and reason and their solution. Increase awareness in public and new Industrial development.

2) India becoming a world's largest population and poverty. It's time to give immidate step against population.

           Thank you

Complaint against threat to kill my sister in their Sasuraal by

it is to
intimate you that I was making marriage to my younger sister namely Smt.
Pushpa Kumari on 01/05/2015 happily on demand of dowry Rs. 25Lac with his
Husband namely Sh. Vineet Kumar S/o Sh. Ashvin Kumar, R/oVillage- Metra,
Post-Atiyawa, PS –Ghoshi, Dist-Jehanabad (Bihar). But although my younger
sister is not yet happy with him since making their marriage because her
husband and her father/mother in law is very tortured to him and biting every
day also. After few day her husband has leave her since last 2 year and going to
outside of the state and living in unknown places and also working there.
During the above 02 year period nor given any information to my sister and also
not given any pocket money to stay their personal life. But her husband is
connected with their parent confidentially and her husband parents not
conveyed to my husband address also. When my sister asking her husband
address, then his sasuraal parents is very biting to him and very mentally
tortured also and also given threatened to him for killing by live burning. In the
above situation of my younger sister I had filled FIR in Mahila PS in Jehanabad,
Bihar (FIR No. U/S 323/498(A)/406/504/34I.P.C, 4 DP Act and GR-
1787/2016 dated 13@11@2016 against her husband namely Vineet Kumar and
his parents also and inspite of above I also filled in court case. After that her
husband realised his mistake and when he feel I can make accused in this court
case then he compromised in court with my younger sister so the above matter
has been closed for six months and after compromising with their husband
given him bail through court and after that her husband will re-stay with my
younger sister. Now my sister make me call confidentially and inform me that
my sister husband and her father/mother in-law is very mentally tortured to him
and biting every day and not given food since last 04 days and his Sasuraal
given to him threat that he will be killed to my sister without food in a single
room and also says that to my sister your brother can not filled any court case or
any FIR without any proof. Now it is revealed that also Sh. Vineet Kumar and
his parents has been kidnapped to my sister in a single room and not given food
since last four days also. Further, her husband and his parents also says to my
younger sister after killed my sister h
namely Sh. Vineet Kumar.
02. It is, therefore requested that may kindly be taken strict action
against above persons namely Sh. Vineet Kumar and his parents
order to leave my sister from their custody to save her
brought my younger sister at my home.
I am also very mentally harassment
due to above critical situation of
03. I shall be highly obliged to you for
ger he will make other marriage
er life. After that I will

I need your help

I need your help ,I worked in Javin IT service in Kandivali Mumbai, But I have not received my salary yet, The hard work I have done, not paying money, IT services,I am a poor and work hard and take money. I have made all the call reports. But still I have not received my money yet, it has been 7 to 8 months. You give me my money, it will be very kind of you.
Isn't there a law in our country that can do something against such a company
Such companies get the work done and do not pay, they will be asked to help us.


Chit fund me paise nikalne ke sambandh me

Hello sir,
Mai Santosh Kumar, Village-Balahpur, P.o -Maliya, P.s-kiul, Dist.-Lakhisarai,State-Bihar Pin. N.-811310, se hun
Mai apna paisa (Ramel industries limited )me 60000/- invest kiye the aur 3,4 lakh karaye bhi the dusre ka, jo company 2013 me band ho gai he, to Kiya Karen sir bahut problem hota he sir, sabhi paishe mangate hen. Sir Kiya Karen batayea sir please.

Chit fund me paise nikalne ke sambandh me

Hello sir,
Mai Santosh Kumar, Village-Balahpur, P.o -Maliya, P.s-kiul, Dist.-Lakhisarai,State-Bihar se hun
Mai apna paisa (Ramel industries limited )me 60000/- invest kiye the aur 3,4 lakh karaye bhi the dusre ka, jo company 2013 me band ho gai he, to Kiya Karen sir bahut problem hota he sir, sabhi paishe mangate hen. Sir Kiya Karen batayea sir please.

Land related

Police station akbarpur (nawada) si nandkishor Singh. Co omprakash bhagat lok shikayat adhikari Ashok tiwari ye sabhi log 1 sal se koi solution nhi kiye hai nawada (bihar

Old wooden recycling license

We are in old wooden recycling business, there is no provision for licence and not allowing us to work. They have removed our 4-5 machines on date 12/10/2019
Atleast 700-800 labours are out of work, we have all the recordings of the incident, pls make a news and get peoples back to work.,..

Sir i will cantact with you now how can i cantact

Hi sir i will cantact with you how can i cantact with you sir