Port In Request Form(Mobile Number Portability)

Company Name(s): 

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Port In Request Form

UPC---------------- Date of Port in request:
1. Mobile Number to be ported in MTNL:_______________
2. Mode of the Number Before Port In to MTNL : Prepaid / Postpaid
3. After Port in: Prepaid/Postpaid
4. Donor Operator:______________________
5. Name of subscriber:____________________________________
6. Address of the Subscriber________________________________________________________
7. Fathers Name:________________________________
8. Date of Birth:_______________
9. Alternate Contact Number and email:____________________________________
10. Whether customer acquisition form as specified by the MTNL accompanied by
all documents as Applicable to a new subscriber has been submitted: Yes/No
11. Whether Porting charges deposited to MTNL: Yes/No/waived off
12. Whether copy of the last bill, in the case of a postpaid subscriber has been submitted: Yes/No
13.Plan* for Port in number in MTNL__________________________
Declaration from subscriber wanting port in MTNL
I am eligible as per terms mentioned in clause A.
I am not covered in grounds of rejection as mentioned in clause b.
I have not applied for withdrawal of porting request as mentioned in clause E
before this request.
I have deposited the requisite fees.
After porting if successful, I shall abide by the plans, laws & rules for subscribers of MTNL.
There is no court case w. r. t the number to be ported.
There is no request of withdrawal of port in request as per clause E and have understood the process of withdrawal of porting request. I understand & agree with the provisions of undertaking for postpaid and prepaid as per clause C/D. I hereby declare that the above information is correct and I shall be responsible for any discrepancy in above information.
Name & Contact No. of S/Haat/PRO/Distr.
Signature of subscriber
Customer’s copy Date: / /2011
UPC__________________ Mobile Number_____________
Name of sanchaar Haat / PRO /Distr. contact number of Sanchaar haat /PRO/Distr.
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
MTNL SIM No._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signature of SDE Sanchaar Haat/Distr.
For customer care :Contact 1800111503 ,1503 or 011-22221503 or email us at 1503@bol.net.in
copyright @ MTNL 2010
All the fields are mandatoryA) Eligibility Criteria for making a port in request.(regulation 6 MNP)
Every subscriber shall be eligible to make a request for port in his mobile number: Provided that,
(a) A period of ninety days has expired from the date of activation of his mobile connection in the case of a mobile number not ported earlier; or from the date of activation of his mobile number after its last porting, in the case of a mobile number which has been ported earlier, as the case may be;
(b) There are no outstanding payments due to the Donor Operator by way of pending bills or bills, as the case may be, issued as per the normal billing cycle but before the date of application for porting;
(c) There is no pending request for change of ownership of the mobile number ;
(d) The mobile number sought to be ported is not sub-judice;
(e) Porting of the concerned mobile number has not been prohibited by a Court of law.
B) The grounds for rejection as specified in regulation 12;
(1) There are outstanding payments due from the subscriber by way of pending bill or bills, as the case may be, issued as per the normal billing cycle but before the date of application for porting;
(2) The porting request has been made before the expiry of a period of ninety days from the date of activation of a new connection;
(3) A request for change of ownership of the mobile number is under process;
(4) The mobile number sought to be ported is sub-judice;
(5) Porting of the mobile number has been prohibited by a Court of Law;
(6) This application is for inter-service area porting;
C) Undertaking for postpaid
In the case of a post paid subscriber, an undertaking by the subscriber that he has already paid all dues as per the last bill to the Donor Operator and that he shall be bound to pay all dues to the Donor Operator pertaining to the mobile number sought to be ported till its eventual porting and that he understands and agrees that in the event of non-payment of any such dues to the Donor Operator, the ported mobile number shall, without prejudice to any other remedies available to the Donor Operator under law for recovery of such dues, be liable to be disconnected by the Recipient Operator.
D) Undertaking for prepaid In the case of a pre-paid subscriber, an undertaking by the subscriber to the effect that he understands and agrees that, upon porting of the mobile number, the balance amount of talk time, if any, at the time of porting shall lapse.
E) Withdrawal of porting request.---
(1) A subscriber may, within twenty four hours of making a request for porting, withdraw such request by informing the Recipient Operator in writing:Provided that a subscriber withdrawing his porting request shall not be entitled to any refund of the porting charge paid by him to the Recipient Operator.
(2) Where the Recipient Operator has not forwarded the porting request to the Mobile Number Portability Service provider till receipt of the information regarding withdrawal of the request, it shall not take any further action on such porting request.
(3) In case the Recipient Operator has already forwarded the porting request to the Mobile Number Portability Service provider, before receipt of the information regarding withdrawal of the request, it shall forthwith inform the Mobile Number Portability Service provider about the withdrawal of the porting request and the Mobile Number Portability Service provider shall forthwith inform the Donor Operator about the Withdrawal of the porting request.
(4) In cases covered under sub regulation (3), the Recipient Operator shall be liable to pay the applicable Per Port Transaction charge to the Mobile Number Portability Service Provider.
Checklist for MTNL as Recipient
1. MNP Request properly filled: YES/NO
2. Fees deposited YES/NO/waived off
3. UPC mentioned in the Portin request Form
4. General CAF with all the requisite documents received: Yes/ No
5. SIM card Issued to the porting customer: Yes/No
1. UPC code (unique porting code) generated by sending message “PORT mobile number to be ported” to 1900, to parent service
provider. The mode of number to be ported (prepaid/postpaid) in parent operator should be mentioned.
2. Mode of the Number after Port In to MTNL. whether Prepaid or Postpaid.
3. Mobile number to be ported in MTNL.
4. Name of the operator from where mobile number is to be ported in MTNL.
5. Customer Name holding the mobile number to be ported.
6. Address of the Customer holding the mobile number to be ported.
7. Father’s Name of the Customer holding the mobile number to be ported.
8. Date of Birth of the Customer holding the mobile number to be ported.
9. Normal CAF of MTNL also needs to be filled along with the required documents as per DOT.
10. Whether any fees paid for the Port In process.
11. To be submitted by the customer who wants to Port In a postpaid number of other operator to MTNL.
12. SIM to be provided by MTNL on which the ported mobile number (if port in to MTNL is successful) will work.
13. Plan Name which the customer wants to be activated on the mobile number to be ported in MTNL.
*The information regarding different Tariff Plan is available on MTNL website ie: www.mtnldelhi.in, S/Haat & Helpline (If plan is not mentioned,
default plan will be given).
All the fields are mandatory