Subscription Form for Broadband/ADSL Connection
A. Customer Particulars
1. Title/Name of the Customer (Last name First)/Company/Firm/Organization
2. Contact Phone No.:
Home Mobile
3. E-mail Address: …………………………………………………………………
4. Broadband/ADSL Plan Opted (See Instruction no. 2)
5. MTNL Phone No. on which Broadband/ADSL is to be provided
6. If you have applied for a MTNL New Telephone Connection (NTC) – Your Customer Account (CA) No. (See Instruction no. 3)
7. Subscription Type: (Tick any one)
i. No. of additional E-mail ID’s:
(See Instruction no. 5 &Tariff Plan)
iii. No. of Fixed IP Addresses:
C. Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Requirements: (See Instruction no. 8)
i.Whether CPE will be WiFi
ii. Whether CPE (ADSL2+ Router/Modem) is required from MTNL
iii. In case i. above No and Customer wishes to use his own CPE: (See Instruction no. 8 vi. for Compatibility)
Pleas specify your ADSL Modem/Router Specification (Type/Make & Model No)…………………………………………………..
iv. USB Port or, Ethernet (RJ45) Port is required in Customer’s PC to Connect CPE(ADSL Modem/Router). In case the PC does
not have requisite port, the port is to be got installed by customer at his own cost from PC vendor/ supplier.
D. Declaration:
i. I have read the CPE requirements and all the Terms & Conditions as specified in ANNEX - I of Subscription
Form for Broadband/ADSL Connection. I accept all the Terms & Conditions as specified in ANNEX - I of
Subscription Form for Broadband/ADSL connection.
ii. I/We hereby undertake that any WiFi connectivity deployed by me/us shall be activated only after it is registered for
centralized authorization with MTNL
Name………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………………Customer’s Signature ………………………………
For Office use:
Customer Account Number:
Date of Receipt: (Signature of MTNL Officer/Official) (Signature & Name/Code of MTNL DSA)
Acknowledgement Slip
Received Order for Broadband Connection for Plan……………………………………………….on Telephone No………………………….
Date (Signature of MTNL Officer/Official) (Signature & Name/Code of MTNL DSA)
Yes No
Monthly Annual
1. Please fill in CAPITAL LETTERS Only
2. A copy of present Broadband Tariff Plans is enclosed. Please specify the plan to be opted in item A 4
of the Subscription Form. For example: If a customer is interested in Broadband Plan for 256 kbps
Download speed with monthly free data download of 400 MB with Rs 399 monthly DSL Charge then the
plan opted is:DSL 199 Broadband/ADSL Plan Opted
3. If you are not having an existing MTNL Telephone Line and you have applied/are applying for a MTNL New Telephone Connection (NTC) – a unique Customer Account (CA) No. at the time of Registration of NTC will be allotted and this CA No of 10 digits is to be filled against the item A 6 in Subscription Form.
4. Username / Login ID MTNL will activate the Broadband Service using Customer’s MTNL Telephone Number digits as Username/Login ID. For example for Broadband Services on Telephone No 23359272, user will be
allocated Username/Login ID as 23359272.
5. E-mail IDs:
i. For Free E-mail IDs as per Broadband Plan Opted/additional E-Mail IDs as per the requirement stated in Subscription Form, customer can visit the MTNL Web site to create his/her
Mail boxes or contact Broadband/ADSL Internet Services Help Desk No 1504/22221504 or, Toll free No
is 1600-111-172 or mail us at:
ii. E-mail IDs can be a combination of alphabets & numeric but not starting with a numeric, it MUST NOT
include any special character/ symbol either.
6. Payments will be collected with Telephone Bill after activation of Broadband/ADSL Internet Service. In Annual subscription option, one time Annual charge will be billed in telephone bill
7. Availability & Feasibility of Service:
i. Availability of service subject to subscriber location and technical feasibility.
ii. Download Speed is dependent on telephone line length – Broadband connection will be made for
the plans 512 kbps and above subject to feasibility. In case higher speed is not possible due to
distance / line condition than speed achievable and correct plan will be configured & customer will be
intimated by mail/ phone from DSL helpdesk.
iii. MTNL telephone line will be used for providing Broadband High Speed Internet service. Shifting and
safe custody is possible only along with existing telephone line. Shifting of Broadband facility from one
telephone to another is not possible.
8. Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Requirements:
i. CPE (ADSL Modem/Router) recommended for a single PC which requires a USB port in your PC.
ii. CPE (ADSL Router) recommended for multiple user on LAN setup which requires a Ethernet port (RJ 45) on your LAN Hub/Switch/PC.
iii. Operating System:- Windows 98 & above and Operating System drivers
iv. PC hardware recommended: RAM (128 MB & above), HDD (Min Free Disk Space 500 MB), USB port for
ADSL Modem/Router or LAN card for ADSL Router and CD ROM drive.
v. In case the PC does not have requisite port, the port is to be got installed by customer at his own
cost from PC vendor/ supplier.
vi. If Customer wishes to use his own CPE: Compatible CPEs may be ascertained from MTNL Call Centre
“1500/22221500” or you can visit MTNL web site
MTNL shall not be responsible for any complications arising from non compatibility of the CPE Software
&Hardware procured from market.
vii. If it comes to the notice of MTNL that the subscriber is using WiFi without registering with MTNL for
centralized authentication, the service to the subscriber shall be suspended till they are registered with MTNL.
9. Any parallel wiring other than one telephone in the Broadband/ADSL line would lead to reduced
download speed & frequent disconnection.
10. LAN infrastructure (Cabling & Ports) up-gradation, reconfiguration would be the customers responsibility.
11. For Registration/Booking to get Broadband connection Call to MTNL Call Centre “1500/22221500” or you can visit MTNL Sanchar Haat of the concerned Area or, MTNL web site
12. The Password given by MTNL would be used for the first time login and thereafter Customer needs to change & customize his Password. 13. For any Help/ Assistance related to Broadband/ADSL Service after activation please contact:- MTNL Broadband /ADSL Internet Services Helpdesk No 1504/22221504 or, Toll free No is 1800-111-172 or, mail us at:
14. For more details log on to:
15. For Broadband Tariff Click hereANNEX-I Broad terms and Conditions of MTNL, Broadband/ ADSL Internet Access Service Subscription
1. Definition: Broadband Internet Service - An ‘always-on’ data connection that is able to support interactive services including Internet access and has the capability of the minimum download speed of 256 kilo bits per second (kbps) to an individual subscriber from the Point Of Presence (POP) of the service provider intending to provide Broadband Internet service where multiple such individual Broadband connections are aggregated and the subscriber is able to access these interactive services including the Internet through this POP. The interactive services will exclude any services for which a separate licence is specifically required, for example, real-time voice transmission, except to the extent that it is presently permitted under ISP licence with Internet Telephony.”
2. IP addresses allocated to customer by MTNL are non-portable & shall continue to remain the exclusive property of MTNL.
3. MTNL shall be free to update Internet access progressively to bring in new features. MTNL may not be in a position to intimate Customer immediately; however it will endeavor to make it known to subscribers through mailers and advertisements.
4. The customer of MTNL Broadband/ ADSL Internet services is not allowed to resale the Internet Services (except WWW Service).
5. The customer is required to fully comply with the provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 and Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 & the Indian Telegraph Rules made there under and any amendments or replacements made there to from time to time.
6. The customer is required to ensure that objectionable or obscene messages or communications, which are inconsistent with the established laws of the country, are not made by him or any other person using his password.
7. MTNL may revise the tariff for MTNL Broadband/ ADSL Internet Services from time to time at its discretion.
8. Broadband connection is location specific & customer shall not remove 0r, shift any equipment installed by MTNL at the customer’s premises (the said location).
9. Customer assumes total responsibility and risk for use of the MTNL Broadband/ ADSL Internet services. Neither MTNL nor its affiliates make any express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements whatsoever (including without limitation warranties of title or non infringement, or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) with regard to any merchandise information or service provided through the internet, any they shall not be liable for any cost or damage arising either directly or indirectly from any such transaction. It is solely customer’s responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, services and other information, and the quality and merchantability of all merchandise,
provided through the services or in the Internet generally.
10. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, MTNL reserves the right to access information over the network established by the customer, if required in pursuance of the laws of the land, and as specifically provided for under the Information Technology Act, 2000.
11. The customer is prohibited from misusing or copying the software supplied by MTNL, or otherwise be in breach of the protected rights of the company under the copyright Act. The customer shall not indulge in any direct or indirect acts of reverse engineering in this connection.
12. Customer understands further that the Internet contains unedited materials some of which are sexually explicit or may be offensive to some people. Customers access such materials at their own risk. MTNL has no control over and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for such materials.
13. The customer is required to desist from putting unsolicited messaging on server hosted at MTNL premises. The customer is required to ensure that objectionable or obscene messages or communications, which are inconsistent with the established laws of the country, are not made by him or any other person on the Web Server or web space of the customer.
14. The service is provided on an ‘AS IS and AVAILABLE’ basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement or implied warranties of merchantability of fitness for particular purpose. No advice or information given by MTNL, its affiliates or their respective employees shall create a warranty. Neither MTNL nor its affiliates warrants that the service will be uninterrupted or error free or that any information, software or other material accessible on the service is free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other harmful components.
15. Under no circumstances shall MTNL, its affiliates or its contractors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages that result in anyway from customers use of or inability to use the service or to access the Internet or any part thereof, or customers reliance on or use of information, services or merchandise provided on or through the service, or that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, errors, defects, delays in operation, or transmission, or any failure of performance.
16. Payment of bills – it would be the responsibility of customer to make payment to MTNL Broadband/ ADSL Internet service. MTNL would disconnect the service in case of non-receipt of payment without giving any notice to the customer. All the charges /payments related to Broadband/ ADSL Internet services will be billed with Telephone bill.
17. Force Majeure – if any time, during the continuance of MTNL Broadband/ ADSL Internet services, the
performance in whole or part, of any obligation under it shall be prevented or delayed by reason of war, hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, epidemic, quarantine restriction, strikes, look-out or act of GOD etc. the customer shall not have any claim for damages, against MTNL in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance of MTNL Broadband/ADSL Internet Services.
18. Arbitration of Disputes – In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of provisions of MTNL
Broadband/ADSL Internet services, the matter will be referred for arbitration in terms of section 7(B) of Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 and any amendments made there to from time to time.