[See sub-rule (1) of rule 29D]
Declaration for non-deduction of tax at source to be furnished to contractor under the second proviso to clause (i) of subsection (3) of section 194C by sub-contractor not owning more than two heavy goods carriages/trucks during the
Financial Year___________
1. Name of the individual (truck owner) :
2. Name of the father :
3. Permanent Account Number (PAN) :
(wherever the truck owner has PAN)
4. Address :
5. If assessed to tax, Assessment Jurisdiction
(Circle/Ward) :
6. Particulars of the heavy goods carriages/trucks owned during the Financial Year are as under :
S. No. Heavy goods carriage/truck Registration Number Date of Registration
I,___________________________, son/daughter of Shri______________________solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in this declaration is correct and complete and particulars shown therein are true.