Form No.11A:Application for registration of firm for purposes

Company Name(s): 

[See rules 22(2)(ii), 22(3) and 22(4)(ii)]

Application for registration of a firm for the purposes of the Income-tax Act, 1961

The Assessing Officer,
Re : Assessment year______________
1. We, on behalf of____________________________________[name of the firm] hereby apply for the registration of our firm for the purposes of the Income-tax Act, 1961 for the assessment year______________
2. The original/certified copy of the instrument or instruments evidencing the partnership in existence from time to time during the previous year up to the date of this application/during the previous year and up to the date of this application together with a copy/duplicate copy of each is enclosed. The prescribed particulars are given in the Schedule on the reverse.
3. We hereby declare that none of the partners of the firm was, at any time during the previous year, up to the date of this application, in relation to the whole or any part of his share in the income or property of the firm, a benamidar of any other partner to whom he is not related as spouse or minor child.
4. We do hereby certify that the profits (or loss, if any) of the previous year were/will be/period up to the date of dissolution were/will be divided or credited as shown in the Schedule and that the information given above and in the Schedule is correct.
Date ___________
Signature Address
Note : Where the application is made after the end of the previous year, the words "up to the date of this application” must be deleted.
Name of
Address Date of
Interest on
capital or
loans (if any)
commission or other
remuneration from
† Share in the
balance of profits
(or loss)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(A) Particulars of the firm as constituted at the date of this application and of the shares of the partners in the income (or loss) of the firm
(B) Particulars of the apportionment of the income (or loss) of the firm for the relevant previous year between the partners who in that previous year were entitled to share in such income (or loss). Applicable where the application is made after the end of the relevant previous year
Notes :
1. If the interest, salary, commission or other remuneration is payable (or allowable) only if there are sufficient profits available, this fact should be noted by marking the items in the appropriate columns with the letter "R" [in other cases the interest, salary, commission or other remuneration may exceed the
total profits so as to leave a balance of net loss divisible in column 6].
2. If any partner is entitled to share in profits but is not liable to bear a similar proportion of any losses, this fact should be indicated by putting against his share in column 6 the letter "P".