[See rule 6G(2)]
Statement of particulars required to be furnished under section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961
1. Name of the assessee :
2. Address :
3. Permanent Account Number :
4. Status :
5. Previous year ended : 31st March
6. Assessment year :
7. (a) If firm or Association of Persons, indicate names of partners/members and their profit sharing ratios.
(b) If there is any change in the partners or members or in their profit sharing ratio since the last date of the preceding year, the particulars of such change.
8. (a) Nature of business or profession (if more than one business or profession is carried on during the previous year, nature of every business or profession).
(b) If there is any change in the nature of business or profession, the particulars of such change.
9. (a) Whether books of account are prescribed under section 44AA, if yes, list of books so prescribed.
(b) Books of account maintained.
(In case books of account are maintained in a computer system, mention the books of account generated by such computer system.)
(c) List of books of account examined.
10. Whether the profit and loss account includes any profits and gains assessable on presumptive basis, if yes, indicate the amount and the relevant sections (44AD, 44AE, 44AF, 44B, 44BB, 44BBA, 44BBB or any other relevant
11. (a) Method of accounting employed in the previous year.
(b) Whether there has been any change in the method of accounting employed vis-a-vis the method employed in the immediately preceding previous year.
(c) If answer to (b) above is in the affirmative, give details of such change, and the effect thereof on the profit or loss.
(d) Details of deviation, if any, in the method of accounting employed in the previous year from accounting standards prescribed under section 145 and the effect thereof on the profit or loss.
12. (a) Method of valuation of closing stock employed in the previous year.
(b) Details of deviation, if any, from the method of valuation prescribed under section 145A, and the effect thereof on the profit or loss.
12A. Give the following particulars of the capital asset converted into stock-in-trade: -
(a) Description of capital asset;
(b) Date of acquisition;
(c) Cost of acquisition;
(d) Amount at which the asset is converted into stock-intrade.,
13. Amounts not credited to the profit and loss account, being,—
(a) the items falling within the scope of section 28;
(b) the proforma credits, drawbacks, refund of duty of customs or excise or service tax, or refund of sales tax or value added tax, where such credits, drawbacks or refunds are admitted as due by the authorities concerned;
(c) escalation claims accepted during the previous year;
(d) any other item of income;
(e) Capital receipt, if any.
14. Particulars of depreciation allowable as per the Income-tax Act,
1961 in respect of each asset or block of assets, as the case may
be, in the following form :—
(a) Description of asset/block of assets.
(b) Rate of depreciation.
(c) Actual cost or written down value, as the case may be.
(d) Additions/deductions during the year with dates; in the case of any addition of an asset, date put to use; including adjustments on account of—
(i) Modified Value Added Tax credit claimed and allowed under the Central Excise Rules, 1944, in respect of assets acquired on or after 1st March, 1994, (ii) change
in rate of exchange of currency, and (iii) subsidy or grant or reimbursement, by whatever name called.
(e) Depreciation allowable.
(f) Written down value at the end of the year.
15. Amounts admissible under sections -
(a) 33AB
(b) 33ABA
(c) 33AC (wherever applicable)
(d) 35
(e) 35ABB
(f) 35AC
(g) 35CCA
(h) 35CCB
(i) 35D
(j) 35DD
(k) 35DDA
(l) 35E:-
(a) debited to the profit and loss account (showing the amount debited and deduction allowable under each section separately);
(b) not debited to the profit and loss account.
16.(a) Any sum paid to an employee as bonus or commission for services rendered, where such sum was otherwise payable to him as profits or dividend. [Section 36(1)(ii)].
(b) Any sum received from employees towards contributions to any provident fund or superannuation fund or any other fund mentioned in section 2(24)(x); and due date for payment and the actual date of payment to the concerned
authorities under section 36(1)(va).
17. Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, being :—
(a) expenditure of capital nature;
(b) expenditure of personal nature;
(c) expenditure on advertisement in any souvenir, brochure,
tract, pamphlet or the like, published by a political party;
(d) expenditure incurred at clubs,—
(i) as entrance fees and subscriptions;
(ii) as cost for club services and facilities used;
(e) (i) expenditure by way of penalty or fine for violation of
any law for the time being in force;
(ii) any other penalty or fine;
(iii) expenditure incurred for any purpose which is an offence or which is prohibited by law;
(f) amounts inadmissible under section 40(a);
(g) interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration inadmissible under section 40(b)/40(ba) and computation thereof;
(h) (A) whether a certificate has been obtained from the assessee regarding payments relating to any expenditure covered under section 40A(3) that the payments were made by account payee cheques drawn on a bank or account payee bank draft, as the case may be;
Yes No
(B) amount inadmissible under section 40A(3), read with rule 6DD [with break-up of inadmissible amounts;
(i) provision for payment of gratuity not allowable under section 40A(7);
(j) any sum paid by the assessee as an employer not allowable under section 40A(9);
(k) particulars of any liability of a contingent nature.
(l) amount of deduction inadmissible in terms of section 14A
in respect of the expenditure incurred in relation to income which does not form part of the total income;
(m) amount inadmissible under the proviso to section 36(1)(iii);
17A. Amount of interest inadmissible under section 23 of the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006.
18. Particulars of payments made to persons specified under section 40A(2)(b).
19. Amounts deemed to be profits and gains under section 33AB or 33ABA or 33AC.
20. Any amount of profit chargeable to tax under section 41 and computation thereof.
21. (i) In respect of any sum referred to in clause (a), (b), (c),
(d), (e) or (f) of section 43B, the liability for which :—
(A) pre-existed on the first day of the previous year but was not allowed in the assessment of any preceding previous year and was
(a) paid during the previous year;
(b) not paid during the previous year.
(B) was incurred in the previous year and was
(a) paid on or before the due date for furnishing the return of income of the previous year under
section 139(1);
(b) not paid on or before the aforesaid date.
(ii) []
State whether sales tax, customs duty, excise duty or any
other indirect tax, levy, cess, impost, etc., is passed
through the profit and loss account.
22. (a) Amount of Modified Value Added Tax credits availed of
or utilized during the previous year and its treatment in
the profit and loss account and treatment of outstanding
Modified Value Added Tax credits in the accounts.
(b) Particulars of income or expenditure of prior period
credited or debited to the profit and loss account.
23. Details of any amount borrowed on hundi or any amount due
thereon (including interest on the amount borrowed) repaid,
otherwise than through an account payee cheque [Section 69D].
24. (a) Particulars of each loan or deposit in an amount
exceeding the limit specified in section 269SS taken or
accepted during the previous year :—
(i) name, address and permanent account number (if available with the assessee) of the lender or depositor;
(ii) amount of loan or deposit taken or accepted;
(iii) whether the loan or deposit was squared up during the previous year;
(iv) maximum amount outstanding in the account at any time during the previous year;
(v) whether the loan or deposit was taken or accepted otherwise than by an account payee cheque or an account payee bank draft.
(These particulars need not be given in the case of a Government company, a banking company or a corporation established by a Central, State or Provincial Act.)
(b) Particulars of each repayment of loan or deposit in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 269T made during the previous year :—
(i) name, address and permanent account number (if available with the assessee) of the payee;
(ii) amount of the repayment;
(iii) maximum amount outstanding in the account at any time during the previous year;
(iv) whether the repayment was made otherwise than by account payee cheque or account payee bank draft.
(c) Whether a certificate has been obtained from the assessee regarding taking or accepting loan or deposit, or repayment of the same through an account payee cheque or an account payee bank draft.
Yes No
The particulars (i) to (iv) at (b) and the Certificate at (c) above need not be given in the case of a repayment of any loan or deposit taken or accepted from Government, Government company, banking company or a corporation established by a Central, State or Provincial Act;
25. Details of brought forward loss or depreciation allowance, in the following manner, to the extent available :
(a) Serial
Assessment Year Nature of loss/allowance
(in rupees)
Amount as returned (in
Amount as assessed (give
reference to relevant order)
(b) whether a change in shareholding of the company has taken place
in the previous year due to which the losses incurred prior to the
previous year cannot be allowed to be carried forward in terms of
section 79.
26. Section-wise details of deductions, if any, admissible under Chapter
27. (a) Whether the assessee has complied with the provisions of
Chapter XVII-B regarding deduction of tax at source and regarding
the payment thereof to the credit of the Central Government.
Yes No
(b) If the provisions of Chapter XVII-B have not been complied
with, please give the following details, namely:-
(i) Tax deductible and not deducted at all
(ii) shortfall on account of lesser deduction than required to be deducted
(iii) tax deducted late
(iv) tax deducted but not paid to the credit of the Central Government
Please give the details of cases covered in (i) to (iv) above.
28. (a) In the case of a trading concern, give quantitative details of
principal items of goods traded:
(i) opening stock;
(ii) purchases during the previous year;
(iii) sales during the previous year;
(iv) closing stock;
(v) shortage/excess, if any.
(b) In the case of a manufacturing concern, give quantitative
details of the principal items of raw materials, finished
products and by-products :
A. Raw materials :
(i) opening stock;
(ii) purchases during the previous year;
(iii) consumption during the previous year;
(iv) sales during the previous year;
(v) closing stock;
(vi) yield of finished products;
(vii) percentage of yield;
(viii) shortage/excess, if any.
B. Finished products/By-products :
(i) opening stock;
(ii) purchases during the previous year;
(iii) quantity manufactured during the previous year;
(iv) sales during the previous year;
(v) closing stock;
(vi) shortage/excess, if any.
Information may be given to the extent available.
29. In the case of a domestic company, details of tax on distributed profits under section 115-O in the following form :—
(a) total amount of distributed profits;
(b) total tax paid thereon;
(c) dates of payment with amounts.
30. Whether any cost audit was carried out, if yes, enclose a copy of the report of such audit [See section 139(9)].
31. Whether any audit was conducted under the Central Excise Act, 1944, if yes, enclose a copy of the report of such audit.
32. Accounting ratios with calculations as follows :—
(a) Gross profit/Turnover;
(b) Net profit/Turnover;
(c) Stock-in-trade/Turnover;
(d) Material consumed/Finished goods produced.
Place Name :
Date Address :
Notes :
1. The Annexure to this Form must be filled up failing which the Form will be considered as incomplete.
2. This Form and the Annexure have to be signed by the person competent to sign Form No. 3CA or Form No. 3CB, as the case may be.
Annexure I
1. Name of the assessee :
2. Address :
3. Permanent Account Number :
4. Status :
5. Previous year ended : 31st March
6. Assessment year :
Nature of business or profession in respect of every business or
profession carried on during the previous year
Sl. No. Parameters Current year Preceding year
1. Paid-up share capital/capital of partner/proprietor
2. Share Application Money/Current Account of Partner or
Proprietor, if any
3. Reserves and Surplus/Profit and Loss Account
4. Secured loans
5. Unsecured loans
6. Current liabilities and provisions
7. Total of Balance Sheet
8. Gross turnover/gross receipts
9. Gross profit
10. Commission received
11. Commission paid
12. Interest received
13. Interest paid
14. Depreciation as per books of account
15. Net Profit (or loss) before tax as per Profit and Loss
16. Taxes on income paid/provided for in the books
Place :
Date :
Note :
Please enter the relevant code pertaining to the main area of your business activity. The codes are as follows :
Sector Sub-Sector Code
(1) Manufacturing Industry Agro-based industries 0101
Automobile and Auto parts 0102
Cement 0103
Diamond cutting 0104
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals 0105
Electronics including Computer Hardware 0106
Engineering goods 0107
Fertilizers, Chemicals, Paints 0108
Flour & Rice Mills 0109
Food Processing Units 0110
Marble & Granite 0111
Paper 0112
Petroleum and Petrochemicals 0113
Power and energy 0114
Printing & Publishing 0115
Rubber 0116
Steel 0117
Sugar 0118
Tea, Coffee 0119
Textiles, Handloom, Powerlooms 0120
Tobacco 0121
Tyre 0122
Vanaspati & Edible Oils 0123
Others 0124
(2) Trading Chain stores 0201
Retailers 0202
Wholesalers 0203
Others 0204
(3) Commission Agents General Commission Agents 0301
(4) Builders Builders 0401
Estate agents 0402
Property Developers 0403
Others 0404
(5) Contractors Civil Contractors 0501
Excise Contractors 0502
Forest Contractors 0503
Mining Contractors 0504
Others 0505
(6) Professionals Chartered Accountants, Auditors, etc. 0601
Fashion designers 0602
Legal professionals 0603
Medical professionals 0604
Nursing Homes 0605
Specialty hospitals 0606
Others 0607
(7) Service Sector Advertisement agencies 0701
Beauty Parlours 0702
Consultancy services 0703
Courier Agencies 0704
Computer training/educational and coaching institutes 0705
Forex Dealers 0706
Hospitality services 0707
Hotels 0708
I.T. enabled services, BPO service providers 0709
Security agencies 0710
Software development agencies 0711
Transporters 0712
Travel agents, tour operators 0713
Others 0714
(8) Financial Service Sector Banking Companies 0801
Chit Funds 0802
Financial Institutions 0803
Financial service providers 0804
Leasing Companies 0805
Money Lenders 0806
Non-Banking Financial Companies 0807
Share Brokers, Sub-brokers, etc. 0808
Others 0809
(9) Entertainment Industry Cable T.V. productions 0901
Film distribution 0902
Film laboratories 0903
Motion Picture Producers 0904
Television Channels 0905
Others 0906.
Annexure - II
Section under
chargeable to
Fringe Benefit
Nature of
Amount of expenditure incurred or payment made Deductions, if
Total Percentage of
being fringe
Value of
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(7) (8)
Debited to the
Profit and
Loss Account
Accounted for
in the balance
Any other
1. 115WB(1)(b) Free or concessional ticket
provided by the employer
for private journeys of his
employees or their family
2. 115WB(1)(c) Any contribution by the
employer to any approved
Superannuation fund for
(see Note 1)
3. 115WB(2)(A) Entertainment 20%
4. 115WB(2)(B) Provision of Hospitality of
every kind by the employer
to any person
(see Note 2)
(see Note 3)
5. 115WB(2)(C) Conference
(other than fee for
participation by the
employees in any
(see Note 4)
6. 115WB(2)(D) Sales promotion including
(see Note 5)
7. 115WB(2)(E) Employees’ Welfare
(see Note 6)
8. 115WB(2)(F) Conveyance, tour and travel
(including foreign travel)
(see Note 7)
(see Note 8)
9. 115WB(2)(G) Use of hotel, boarding and
lodging facilities
(see Note 9)
10. 115WB(2)(H) Repair, running
(including fuel),
maintenance of motor cars
(see Note 10)
and the amount of
depreciation thereon
11. 115WB(2)(I) Repair, running
(including fuel) and
maintenance of aircrafts and
the amount of depreciation
(see Note 11)
12. 115WB(2)(J) Use of telephone (including
mobile phone)
other than expenditure on
leased telephone lines
13 115WB(2)(K) Maintenance of any
accommodation in the
nature of guest house other
than accommodation used
for training purposes
14. 115WB(2)(L) Festival celebrations 50%
15. 115WB(2)(M) Use of health club and
similar facilities
16. 115WB(2)(N) Use of any other club
17. 115WB(2)(O) Gifts 50%
18. 115WB(2)(P) Scholarships 50%
19. 115WB(2)(Q) Tour and Travel (including
foreign travel)
(see Note 12)
20. Total
Notes :
1. For assessment year 2007-08 and subsequent assessment years, the value of fringe benefits in respect of contribution by the employer to an approved superannuation fund shall be the amount of contribution which exceeds one lakh rupees in respect of each employee.
2 Expenditure on hospitality does not include the following:-
(i) any expenditure on, or payment for, food or beverage provided by the employer to his employees in office or factory;
(ii) any expenditure on, or payment through paid vouchers which are not transferable and usable only at eating joints or outlets.
3. In the case of an employer engaged in the business of hotel 5% shall be substituted for 20%. In addition to this, in the case of an employer engaged in the business of carriage of passengers or goods by aircraft or by ship 5% shall be substituted for 20% for assessment year 2007-08 and subsequent assessment years.
4. For the purposes of this clause, any expenditure on conveyance, tour and travel (including foreign travel), on hotel or boarding and lodging in connection with any conference shall be deemed to be expenditure incurred for the purposes of conference.
5. The following expenditure on advertisement shall not be considered as expenditure on sales promotion including publicity -
(i) the expenditure (including rental) on advertisement of any form in any print (including journals, catalogues or price lists) or electronic media or transport system;
(ii) the expenditure on the holding of, or the participation in any press conference or business convention, fair or exhibition;
(iii) the expenditure on sponsorship of any sport event or any other event organized by any Government agency or trade association or body;
(iv) the expenditure on the publication in any print or electronic media of any notice required to be published by or under any law or by an order of a court or Tribunal;
(v) the expenditure on advertisement by way of signs, art work, painting, banners, awnings, direct mail, electric spectaculars, kiosks, hoardings, bill boards or by way of such other medium of advertisement;
(vi) the expenditure by way of payment of any advertising agency for the purposes of clauses (i) to (v) above;
(vii) the expenditure on distribution of free samples of medicines or of medical equipment, to doctors (not to be considered as expenditure on sales promotion, including publicity for assessment year 2007-08 and subsequent assessment years);
(viii) the expenditure by way of payment to any person of repute for promoting the sale of goods or services of the business of the employer (not to be considered as expenditure on sales promotion, including publicity for assessment year 2007-08 and subsequent assessment years).
6. For the purposes of this clause, any expenditure incurred or payment made to fulfil any statutory obligation or mitigate occupational hazards or provide first aid facilities in the hospital or dispensary run by the employer shall not be considered as expenditure for employees’ welfare.
7. For assessment year 2007-08 and subsequent assessment years, clause (F) of sub-section (2) of section 115WB refers to expense on ‘conveyance’.
8. In the case of an employer engaged in the business of construction, or in the business of manufacture or production of pharmaceuticals or computer software, 5% shall be substituted for 20%.
9. In the case of an employer engaged in the business of manufacture or production of pharmaceuticals or computer software, 5% shall be substituted for 20%. Besides, in the case of an employer engaged in the business of carriage of passengers or goods by aircraft or by ship 5% shall be substituted for assessment year 2007-08 and subsequent assessment years.
10. In the case of an employer engaged in the business of carriage of passengers or goods by motor car, 5% shall be substituted for 20%.
11. In the case of an employer engaged in the business of carriage of passengers or goods by aircraft, ‘Nil’ shall be substituted for 20%.
12. This clause is applicable for assessment year 2007-08 and subsequent assessment years.